Chapter 5

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[text in bold will be siad in Korean]
(Plus I made a update where Felix has been in this university for four weeks not a week)

Hyunjin took his bike drove to the nearest bar he saw. He had been there so many times that the guards knew his face and didn't even bother asking for an ID. He went inside and drank his heart out. He didn't care about anything at that moment and kept ordering drinks again and again and again. As he was about to order his 16th shot of tequila someone stopped him.

"Let me pay for that" A guy came up and sat beside Hyunjin.

"I can pay for my own things thankyou" Hyunjin managed to say and signaled the bartender for another shot.

"What's your name?" The stranger asked.

"Leave me alone"

"You wanna dance?" The stranger wouldn't leave him alone and kept asking questions. Until....

"Do you not speak English?"

"Channie hyung what are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked Chan trying to hide the fact that he was drunk but he was to drunk to realise that it was very obvious that...... he was drunk.

"Hyunjin how many shots have you had?" Hyunjin just shrugged at Chan's question. Chan put an arm around Hyunjin and looked back at the stranger.

"I asked you a question" Chan says in a firm tone.

"Lo siento no hablo Inglés"
[I'm sorry I don't speak English]

Chan knew he was lying with his fake Mexican accent. Plus he was just taking to Hyunjin in English but he still decided to play along.

"Eso no será un gran problema, traduciré lo que estaba diciendo en español "
[That won't be a problem I'll translate what he was saying in Spanish]
Chan leaned closer towards the stranger and said to him.

"Me dijo que me dejara en paz"
[He said leave me alone]

"¿Qué eres su novio?"
[What are you his boyfriend?]

"Soy su hermano, así que es mejor que lo dejes en paz antes de que se convierta en un problema"
[I'm his brother so you better leave him alone before this becomes an issue]
The stranger scoffed and walked away from them.

"Now let's get you home" Chan siad to Hyunjin. Tho Chan knew Hyunjin won't agree to it but he still tried.

After a solid 20 minutes Hyunjin had used up all the energy he had in him. He finally gave in. They got into Chan's car and Chan started driving.

They finally reached the University and both of them snuck in since they were way past the curfew. Chan took Hyunjin to his room. He layed him down on his bed and got him a cup of water.

He bent down near where Hyunjin was laying and asked in a soft voice. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Hyunjin simply shook his head for a 'no'.

"You should get some rest okay?" Hyunjin nodded and Chan switched off the lights.
Hyunjin woke with a piercing headache. He rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Chan rushed to Hyunjin and sat down with him to hold his hair and patt his back. He let out everything all the emotions that were inside him. All he could think was Felix Felix Felix. He couldn't keep it in he kept throwing up.

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