Chapter 7

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"Felix" Hyunjin whisper shouted into his ear. "Felix wake up!"

"What time is it?" Felix groaned loudly.

"GREAT GOOD LORD" Hyunjin said loudly. "You do realize I'm right next to you? Jeez that was loud... Not to mention your deep ass voice" Hyunjin siad while rubbing his ear.

"Yeah Yeah" Felix said with a eye roll.

"It's 7:30 by the way we have class at eight" Hyunjin siad while sitting straight up and grabbing his phone from his pocket.

"How we do have most of our classes co-ordinated?" Felix asked whilst getting out of bed. Hyunjin just shrugged at Felix's question.

"By the way the performance will be after lunch" Hyunjin said. Felix just nodded and continued getting ready.

After Felix was ready they both had something small for breakfast and head to class. Just as they were walking to class they heard someone calling Felix's name. They both turned around and saw a guy stand in there, Hyunjin assumed he was a student and one of Felix's friends but Felix knew way better that deffinetly wasn't a friend.

"Alex" He said in a firm tone. Hyunjin immediately caught on. He put his arm around Felix's shoulder and asked.

"Who's this?"

"I'm Alex" He brought his hand out for Hyunjin to shake. Hyunjin shook it and introduced himself as well.

"Hyunjin, nice meeting you" He siad with a smile. Felix couldn't feel the awkwardness any less. The hallways were empty and it was only Alex, Hyunjin and Felix.

"Funny name you got there" Alex said with a laugh. Felix just wanted to punch his in the face.

"No one asked" Felix replied in a cold tone. "Let's go" He told Hyunjin in a warmer tone.

"Wait" Alex called out. Felix acted as if he didn't hear anything and kept on walking with Hyunjin.

"I think he said something" Hyunjin whispered to Felix.

"It isn't important" Felix brushed off. "What should we have for lunch?" Felix asked Hyunjin while they were walking.

"Are you deaf?" Alex shouted.

"Certainly am not, neither is he" Hyunjin shouted back which only made Felix laugh.

They both reached their first class which was Physiology. They took their seats and took out their notebooks to write down the lecture. But it turns out the teacher had gotten sick and she won't be taking class but she did give the substitute to give a very boring presentation.

"Didn't think I'd forget you now did you?"

Both Felix and Hyunjin turned around and saw Alex sitting right behind them.

"I swear to god" Hyunjin huffed.

"Can you just leave us alone?" Felix asked clearly annoyed. Again Hyunjin noticed that Felix got very uncomfortable when Alex was around. That made him realize that it must be more than just "He wouldn't leave me alone". Cuz' to be quite honest Felix was pretty popular considering he models. He has had girls and boys chasing him around asking for his number, or to go out on a date but Felix handles it like a champ. But he was handling this differently.

"What do you mean us I'm just after you this tall guy is just with you" Alex said. Before Felix could reply Hyunjin spoke up.

"And this tall guy is gonna be with him, so wherever you go you're gonna find us together" Hyunjin said with a mocking sad face.

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