1- Second Worker

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Jerry's POV.

Apparently there was someone coming to help me with farm work here at the Cuthberts. Pathetic. I could do this by myself. I didn't need anyone else. It's ridiculous of Marilla to think that I was unable to do all the work by myself.

"Can you believe it, Belle?" I fed the horse some hay. "A second worker? I've been doing this for years, I don't know why they need another worker." I scoffed. "Maybe I should leave for good. Find a better place. Just watch how Marilla will come running after me, begging for me to come back after they realize that the new worker doesn't know anything."

"Who are you talking to?" A voice behind me startled me. I turned around, eager to know who's the voice was. I found a girl. A girl I had never seen.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Vivian." She spoke in a soft tone. I looked down at her attire.

"Are you wearing... pants?" I looked at her brown pants. It was not always I saw a girl wearing pants. It was quite inspiring.

"I do farm work. I don't have time for pretty dresses just so they can get destroyed by the mud." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"So you're the new one?" I turned away from her, grooming Belle just so she wouldn't see me roll my eyes.

"I know you don't want me here." She told me. I looked back at her.

"I never said that." I turned back to the horse.

"But you did."


"Before I came in. When you were talking to the horse."

I kept silent. Brushing down Belle's back. I felt the girl's presence approach.

"What's your name?" She asked as she made her way to Belle's front, stroking the horse's neck.


"You're French?" She asked, her hands still on the horse, but her eyes on me. "I'm assuming from the accent." She clarified.

"Jerry! Vivian! Lunch is ready!" I heard Anne's voice coming from the house.

"I met Anne earlier." Vivian smiled. "She's quite a character."

"She is." I agreed as I walked back to the house, Vivian following behind my heel.

We walked in and Anne's eyes fell down to Vivian's clothes.

"Oh! Vivian, your pants are wonderful!" She gasped as she set down the plates on the table.

"Thank you, Anne." She smiled widely at the redhead.

Oh, great. Anne already preferred Vivian over me.

We took a seat around the table. I dug in immediately. My mouth filling up with the stew.

"So, Vivian, you have met Jerry, yes?" Matthew asked from across the table. Vivian's eyes lifted from her stew and were met with mine.

"I have." She smiled at me. I looked down from her stare.

"He's going to be helping you on the farm. It's good that you two get to know one another since you are going to be spending a lot of time together." Matthew continued. "Speaking of, I need you two to go sell a few things in Charlottetown. It's only about an hour away if you take the train." He said.

"I can go alone." I told him, truly irritated that they think I can't do it.

Vivian looked at me, her smile faltering slowly.

"Nonsense! You have a partner now. You two work together from now on." Marilla joined the discussion.

"Great." Vivian forced on a smile, putting her spoon down.

Sunflowers (Jerry Baynard x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now