12 - Pawnbroker

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Jerry's POV.

After three hours on the road with Vivian, we'd finally made it to town. But the ride was silent. We barely said a word to each other. Either Vivian was still upset about the necklace she was about to sell, or memories of our last carriage ride was filling her mind just like it had filled mine during this ride. Memories of our conversation we had in this very carriage.

"You don't like me, right?" I'd asked her that day.
"Right." She'd responded back. Until this day, that single word kept echoing in my mind each time I looked at her. And let's be honest, I never took my eyes off her.

We entered the pawnbroker's shop. A little bell jingled over our heads as we opened the door.

An old man was sat by a small counter filled with all kinds of things. The entire shop was entirely made of random objects. From mirrors to jewellery to chess boards to clothes. Frankly, I didn't even know this place existed. But apparently Vivian was very familiar with the shop and the shop owner as well, since she'd already engaged in a small conversation with the old man as I admired the small place.

"I'd like to sell this..." Vivian handed her locket to the old man. He had curly, silver hair and grey eyes. He grabbed a pair of glasses, placing it on the bridge of his nose and leaning in closer to the necklace. He inspected it, tapping on the metal, searching for any flaws or imperfections.

"It's in quite good shape. Pretty thing, too." He smiled at Vivian. "Why do you wanna sell it?"

"Oh, I just need the money."

The old man nodded. He smiled at Vivian with kind eyes. "I'll take it." He grabbed a tin box from behind his counter, placing coins into a small bag. As he did so, he finally noticed me as I stood silently behind Vivian. "Friend of yours?" He asked Vivian.

"This is Jerry." She introduced me. "Jerry, this is David. He's the owner of the shop."

David looked between us, silently conversing with himself as his eyes darted from Vivian to me and then back to Vivian and then to me. "Friend, huh?"

"Well, we work together." She continued.

"Aah..." The man seemed to realize. "You're the farmer boy. I've heard a lot about you. I gotta say, Vivian doesn't stop talking about y-"

"David!" Vivian called out loudly, staring at the old man like she was on the verge of jumping over the counter.

"You talk about me?" I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face when I saw the blush creeping into her cheeks. Without an answer, Vivian grabbed her bag of coins from the counter and walked outside hurredly with her red face. I chuckled at her behaviour. I turned to David, a knowing look on both of our faces. "What does she say about me?"

"Oh no, young man. A gentleman never tells." He smiled, taking off his glasses.

I looked out the window, spotting Vivian giving Belle some food. I looked back at the shop owner. And I did not hesitate when I asked, "How much for the necklace?"

David looked at me. Silent for a second before a smile broke out on his face. "Thought you'd never ask." He pulled the locket back out from the counter, giving it a good polish with a cloth. "She likes you."

I huffed a breath, looking back out the window. Staring at the... view. "I thought a gentleman never tells."

"Never said I was a gengleman." He scoffed, putting the necklace in a pouch before handing it over to me. He told me the total and I scrapped together the coins I had collected over the past few weeks from the Cuthberts and handed them to him. He put the money in his tin box. "You stare at her like I used to stare at my Judy."

I shook my head. "She's made it clear. We're friends." I told him. He laughed as if I'd told him a joke.

"If you say so." He smiled.

I shoved the little pouch into my pocket, heading out with David's words still in my mind. But every thought drifted away when I saw Vivian seated in the carriage.

"Took your sweet time in there, huh?" She said, scooting to the other side of the carriage to allow me to sit beside her.

"Just had a little chat with your friend." I smiled, feeling the weight of her necklace in my pocket. "Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded.

Instead of going straight to the Cuthberts, we rode our way to Vivian's house. A 3 and a half hour ride. The sun had set and I didn't want her walking all the way back home from the Cuthberts in the dark. Especially after that time she'd gotten attacked on the road. I gotta say, that day has left me paranoid. So I decided I'd drop her off at her house, ride back to the Cuthberts to drop Belle off and then walk home.

Thankfully the ride didn't feel too long. I had never seen her house before, but it was a decent home. White walls, red shutters, grey roof.

I looked at Vivian as she stood, about to hop out of the carriage. But I grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her back into her seat. She stared at me with furrowed brows. I simply gave her a small smile before turning her around in her seat to face away from me. I then took the necklace out of my pocket, feeling my heart racing as I slid it from its pouch.

"Jerry?" Vivian whispered into the night, sensing my hesitance from behind her. I gulped down my nerves, and finally, unclasped the necklace and put it around her neck. She looked down in curiosity, before she froze. I couldn't tell her expression yet as she was turned away. But I sensed her emotions. I couldn't even hear her breathe. The only thing I could hear were the crickets in the trees and the gentle wind in the leaves.

She slowly, very slowly turned to me. And my eyes completely softened when I was met by her tear stained face. She had her fingers clasped around the sunflower charm, hands shaking.

She'd said so much to me through her silence. Her eyes spoke a million words. Nonetheless, she decided to verbally state her thoughts. "Why?" She whispered quietly.

I didn't have an answer that was... suitable. Why? Because I can't stop thinking about you. Why? Because I care for you. Why? Because I want to be yours.

So instead, I stayed silent. Giving no answer to her question. She noticed the delay, waiting another second longer for a reply. But she quickly gave up. Instead, her eyes roamed my figure.

I almost backed up in surprise when she scooted closer. Her scent engulfed me, and a calming sensation spread through me. Her hands found the collar of my shirt, slowly taking it into her hand. She didn't have to do anything else. She didn't have to tug at me harder, nor did she have to move closer. I simply lunged at her lips. Crashing into a bliss that was a sweet kiss. All the times I'd imagined it, my imagination was nowhere close to the real thing. So pure. So sweet. Her hands found the back of my head, her fingers running through my hair. I thought I'd never feel such euphoria from a simple touch. She was driving me mad. I feared that after this I'd lose all self control and allow myself to be completely under her control. To be hers.

I grabbed onto her waist, pulling her closer. I almost lost it when I heard a sound escape her mouth. A sound of pleasure. I grunted, capturing her lips into another deep kiss, not letting go. My hands roamed her body, travelling down her back and up her waist, feeling the curves of her body. Our breathing turned heavy, our lungs empty as we pulled away. We stared at each other, panting in exhaustion at the intense, heated scene that had just occurred, shocked at our own actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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