6- Liers

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Vivian's POV.

The time was flying faster than the speed of light and before I knew it, I had already been a month at the Cuthbert's. I was getting used to the work. Jerry was still an ass, but we could go through a day without killing each other. Surprisingly.

In fact, Jerry and I were both grooming Belle (yes, together) when we heard a carriage pull up into the Cuthbert's property. I looked up at Jerry with a confused look but he just gave me a shrug, signalling that he knew nothing of the matter.

"Visitors? Now? It's almost evening." I said. It was probably five in the afternoon.

"Is it your bed time, princess?" He mocked from the other side of the horse. His insults didn't bother me anymore. If Jerry didn't insult me ten times a day, something was seriously wrong.

"I'll kick you where it hurts, Jerry." I pinned my eyes on him. He didn't say anything else because he knew I would do it without hesitation.

But his eyes moved from my stare, a surprised expression taking over his face. He was staring at something behind me. In curiosity, I turned towards the barn entrance to see what he was staring at. A girl stood there. A very beautiful brunette girl. No, she was a lady. The way she carried herself was like a woman who had lived wise years. Her posture was magnificent. The hat on her head sat so elegantly. And the silk gloves framed the outfit perfectly. The pink dress was so lush and it made perfect sense when I saw it on her. Flashbacks from last week framed my memories. The dress that I had to wear for a whole day, those were bad times and I was happy in the clothes I was in now.

"Diana?" Jerry asked.

"Surprise!" The girl squealed. I remember meeting her on the train. "I begged mother if we could come and visit and she finally said yes!"

"That's great!" He smiled. He rarely ever smiled. It hurt that he would almost never smile when I was around, but when that girl walked in, that was the first thing he did. I mean, I didn't blame him. Look at that girl. She's gorgeous.

"Ok, I will be inside with Anne. Join us later. I'll be waiting." She gave him a last smile and disappeared behind the wall. I looked back at Jerry, his eyes remained on the entrance where the girl was five seconds ago.

"So you like her, yes?" I asked as I commenced my work again, moving Belle's harness to a hook hanging on the wall. I felt the poisonous stare sink into the back of my skull as I moved around. He was still dead silent. That was an awfully long time to answer a question if I said so myself. "You know, you can go now. Go to your 'tea party' with Anne and Diana. I will just continue doing what I have to do." I didn't know why the visitor suddenly bothered me so much. I mean, she seemed nice. She even introduced herself on the train. "She's pretty, though." Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. "And she seemed really happy to see you." Maybe we could even be friends. If she was friends with Anne, it meant she was good company. "She your girlfriend or something? She's reallllly pretty-"

"Are you done?" Jerry's french accent soothed the words from my mouth. I made a turn to look at him and he was just standing there, watching me with hawk eyes.

"All I'm saying is, you seemed very smily. And she's pretty. Handsome guy with charming french accent, plus cute, brunette girl with money. What could go wrong with that combination?"

A side of his lips curled. "Did you just call me handsome?"

I hesitated, silently going through the conversation in my head to revise everything that I had said. I hadn't even realised the things that came out of my mouth. "I did not."

"You did."

"No, I didn't!"

"Oh, so suddenly I'm hearing things?"

"I guess you are." I shrugged, trying to look down so he didn't see the way I was blushing. But when my eyes turned back up to grab the sight of him, his eyes were still narrowed on me. So dangerously capturing. His eyes were like a hole that sucked my soul into it.

"You suddenly seem really interested about Diana." He smirked.

"Don't change the subject. Answer the questions." My voice went dangerously quiet. As if I was so eager for an answer that even the slightest little noise from him might be a hint to his response.

"I don't feel anything for her romantically." He answered. This was the longest he'd ever held eye contact with me.

"Hmm." I acted nonchalantly. Suddenly the walls seemed really interesting and I swerved my gaze away from his beautiful brown eyes. But I could still feel the sharpness of his stare on me.

"Is that what you wanted to hear, Vivian?" He asked with a questioning tone, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Pardon?" I peered at his coffee brown eyes again.

"I said," Suddenly his body began moving closer. I thought he was about to stop, but he kept going. I took a step back, trying to maintain a safe distance between us, but his frame only kept getting closer and closer until my back hit the wall behind me. Jerry stared down at me with compelling eyes. Ones so deep, I could see through his thick armour and see the real him. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

I tried my best to match his confidence, but the way he towered over me with his tall frame, it made me feel the need to keep my voice down. He lifted is hand and leaned his arm on the wall above my head, bringing him even closer than before. "Your love life does not concern me."

"Is that so?" His hot breath caressed my lips. "You know lying is a sin, don't you?" His hand that wasn't on the wall rose up to the hight of my face and grabbed my chin with gentle fingers. My breath hitched and I found myself panting unevenly. "So you better be telling me the truth."

"W- what makes you think I'm lying." I stuttered in nervousness.

"I never said you're lying. I asked if you are. So tell me... are you lying to me, Vivian?" His teeth sunk into his bottom lip. My hands were conjoined in front of me, sweat trickling down my neck at the tension in the air. I didn't know if he was feeling what I was feeling, but something was happening. And it pained me that he had so much power over me.

Suddenly I found the nerve within myself to push him away from me with one hand. He staggered back, the smirk still plastered on his disgustingly beautiful face. "You wish I was lying." I told him as I pushed myself off the wall. "You wish..." I repeated, walking away, not even peering back at him once.

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