4- Milk Duty

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Vivian's POV.

(Warning⚠️: Violence)

"Good morning, Rupert. Two bottles please." I said to the salesman as I pointed at the milk. He grabbed it and placed two on the counter. "What bread do you have?" I asked him.

"Rye, sourdough, whole wheat-"

"Sourdough is fine." I told him. He nodded and placed a loaf into a paper bag.

"For the Cuthbert's?" He asked. I nodded as I took the items into my arms. Holding the two bottles and the bag like a swaddled baby. My job was to only help out with the farm work, but Miss Cuthbert needed someone to go buy milk and bread since she had run out, and this was good opportunity to enjoy some time away from Jerry. We had only been working together for two weeks, but his cold moods and bad temper made me annoyed.

"Thank you! Say hi to Mrs. Rupert!" Soon I made my way back on the road. The closer I got to the Cuthbert's the more greenery surrounded me. Like an isolated forest with no houses, no people. At least that's what I thought, until three boys were spotted walking towards me. Pardon my french but what was with their ugly faces. One of them wore the ugliest yellow hat I'd ever seen. The blonde one was the tallest, and the last one had black teeth as if he'd been smoking his whole life. Each one of them eyed me up before they passed me. Oh thank God.

"Oy!" I hear one of them call from behind me. I thanked God too quickly. "What do you have there?" The tall blonde asked. When they noticed that I was not stopping my pace, they chuckled and followed after me. "What's in that bag, miss?"

"Can you please not follow me." I called out as I walked faster.

"Come on, we just want to talk. Maybe you'll give us a piece of what's in that bag, hmm?" Another one of them said.

"Stop following me!" My pace was so fast, it turned into a jog. I heard their laughter echoing through the trees and then their footsteps became faster than mine. They were running after me. As any sane person would do, I ran as fast as I could. I could see the house. I was so close, but I was not fast enough. I felt a hard pull on my arm, making me stagger back with a yelp, fall and break the milk bottles on the ground. Great, now I'm getting fired.

They tried to reach for the bag in my hand, But I shielded it with my other hand. "Give it to us, and we'll let you go." The blonde who seemed to be the leader, spoke.


"Then you give us no choice, Love." Suddenly I felt a hard kick to my stomach, I closed my eyes tightly as the pain swam through my body. One of them took my hat off, throwing it somewhere and pulled my hair. The guy with the black teeth used the opportunity and slapped me across the face. Hard. I tried to fight back. I used my nails, my hands, my feet, everything. But they were three and I was only one. I felt my shirt ripping as one of them pulled at it. The bag in my hand was snatched from me quickly and the three boys backed away. Before they could leave with the bag, I grabbed a big rock from the ground beside me and threw it at one of them. It landed right above the blonde guy's eyebrow.

"Ow!" He doubled over and his two friends came to his aid.

"Billy, you okay, man?"

"That whore threw a rock at me." His fingers found the curt on his forehead and he looked down at his blood stained hand."Get her!" He ordered the two muppets. I immediately stood up from the ground, despite the soaring pain. And I made a run for it. They didn't stop chasing after me. I opened the gate to the Cuthbert's and even so, they followed after me into the Cuthbert's private grounds. I was not escaping this one.

Just as I was about to run into the farmhouse, I was tackled to the floor. A soaring pain went through my right leg and it took every muscle in my body to stop me from screaming. Oh boy, they were going to mash me up like I've never been mashed up before. One of the two boys turned me over, making me lay on my back on the muddy floor. He was about to lift up his fist and collide it to my cheek, but he got another fist to his cheek instead.

"Jerry!" I saw the tall brunette attack the two boys.

"What were you going to do to her, huh?" Jerry asked. An unknown fury I've never seen in him burst out like fire from an explosion. "Answer me!"

"Giving her what she deserves!" The boy shouted back. Jerry didn't hesitate to give him another hard punch. Jerry turned to the other guy, but he made a run for it before Jerry could reach him.

"You better get out of here." Jerry warned them. Whatever those boys awakened in Jerry's body, I didn't know if I liked it. It was like they had activated a switch button that transformed him from ignorant to aggressive. And let me tell you, I like the ignorant way more, because I wasn't scared of him. But this... this I was afraid of. This mysterious fury. "Go!" He pushed the boy away. The boy must've seen the aggression and decided it was a good idea to get away. Good idea. I would've ran away as well.

The trio left our grounds and scattered away from the house. I still sat on the ground, even scared to get up. Jerry had his back turned to me as he watched the boys leave, and I was getting ready to meet his horrific stare. Through his dirty button up shirt, I could see how tense his back muscles were. But when he turned his eyes to me, I saw nothing but... worry. He made his way to me quickly and gently hoisted me up to my feet.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?"

"I'm fine-"

"No. Stop. You're not fine. Your shirt is torn up, and your head is bleeding." He took my hand and pulled me towards the stables. He sat me down on a pile of haystacks and grabbed a first aid kit that was hooked to the wall.

He dabbed a cloth into some type of liquid and applied it to the cut on my temple. I hissed at the burning sensation. "Mmm." I grunt.

"You're lucky this cut isn't deep." He told me as he bandaged it. He pulled away, taking my face in his hands as he examined me for any more wounds. A second later, his eyes stopped searching for injuries, and instead they met mine. I had never really looked at him the way I was looking at him right now. So close. I could see every feature. I never even noticed his eyes were brown. Or that he had a few light freckles on his nose. As I looked up into his brown orbs, I notice his gaze moving a little lower down my face. To my lips. "A cut to the temple is very dangerous. Fatal." He said in a whisper. Almost like he was scared to startle me away.

"Since when were you such a doctor?" I followed his lead and whispered as well.

"I have many talents." He was so close to me at this point, I could feel his hot breath on my lips, the tips of our noses touching. One little move forward, and something could happen. Something very irreversible.

But I was not going to take that step. No. I mean, why would I? I didn't like him and he didn't like me. I was only an obstacle in his life. His work.

I cleared my throat and backed away from him. He did the same, taking the hint. My cheeks were tinged pink and I could barely look at him without a million butterflies eating me from the inside.

"Uh, we better find you something to wear." He pointed at my torn up shirt. I looked down at it and I hadn't even realised how bad it was until now. My cheeks went even more red. Both my shoulders were exposed and quite a lot of my chest as well. I almost exposed too much. This was just a great first few days at my new job.

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