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I was angry-no- fucking scathing with the man just twenty feet away.

My knee bounced impatiently, my eyes shifting to the clock every chance I got. It was barely eleven, and I couldn't wait to sneak out for lunch. I needed to blow off some steam from the night before. I had every goddamn right to be frustrated-he left me there alone. I even went as far as to try and get myself off, but nothing compared to Jesse. It's cool, I thought. I never lose a game either.

A light knock pulls me from my pondering, and a young man pops his head in the door. "Hi!" He chirps, his figure fully emerging from behind the wall. "I'm looking for..." His eyes shift down to the folders in his grasp. "Miss. Stratford?"

"That would be me," I answer, shaking off the vexation to put a smile on my face. "What can I do for you, sweetie?" I gesture toward the two chairs in front of my desk. He silently accepts, sauntering over to sink into the velvet green. His features became clearer-dark eyes, small curls at the top of his head-a smile that reminded me of my little brother. He couldn't be more than eighteen. He pushes a pair of round eyeglasses against the bridge of his nose.

"My name is Benjamin Reyes," He beams, sliding his application form across my desk. "I applied for the assistant position a few weeks ago. Thought I'd give it a shot since you haven't filled it yet, right?"

The gleam in his eyes was hopeful, and he couldn't be more correct. I hadn't filled the position since I put out the ad. There were many interviews-applicants ranging from twenty to fifty years old. Not one person stood out. Neither of the women nor men felt right.

"That would be correct," I huff out a laugh, shifting to the questions he filled out. It was a simple questionnaire, and I wasn't asking for a shit-load of qualifications. I kept it short and sweet. "First things first," I begin, glancing over to the screen of my computer to pull up the digital version. "How are you this morning?"

I could tell that the question surprised him, his mouth parting slightly-his shoulders visibly relaxing. I knew he was nervous the moment he walked in. Starting with a simple question was probably best.

"Uhm," Benjamin clears his throat, pulling at the burgundy bowtie wrapped around his collar. "I'm pretty good, all things considering-this happens to be my third interview of the day, so..."

"Third, huh?" I retort, resting my chin atop my folded hands. "What were the last two? If you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all," The corners of his mouth pull into a shy grin. He looks up to the ceiling to recollect the others. "Uhh, the first was for a Starbucks at the corner of Broadway, and the second was for an internship at a magazine." Benjamin shakes his head, eyes casting down to his lap. "I was laughed out of the internship. Starbucks needed me to have experience."

"I'm sorry about that," My lips pull into a thin smile, instantly feeling for the kid. I look over to my computer again, my eye zeroing in on his age. "Says here that you're still in college, is that correct?"

He gives me a brief nod, adjusting himself in the chair. "Y...Yes," He stammers. "Truth be told, I just began. But, savings don't last forever."

I nod knowingly, those words striking chords within. I knew a thing or two about savings running out, and I happened to end up here. "Tell me about it," I mutter under my breath. I couldn't place it-the reason why I felt so comfortable. It was nice to have someone with that I could relate.

"I won't bore you with a sob story, ma'am," Benjamin speaks up, fiddling with his thumbs as he meets my eyes. "But I won't lie. I need this job, and I don't think I could handle going through another interview today."

I Hate You, Mr. Boss-Man [18+]Where stories live. Discover now