Maria Leonor "Leni" G. Robredo

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Maria Leonor G. Robredo or also known as 'Leni' is widowed by her husband Jesse Robredo. They had Tres Marias. Leni work as a public servant,and attorney of the Urban poor for a very long time,until her husband died by plane crash accident. She continued his legacy as she run for the congress of their province which is in Naga. Until she's been part of Liberal Party which push her to run for the second highest official of the Philippines,and luckily she won over the son of the late dictator.

Ever since she disagree in some points of the President and resign in his administration,they begun to be political enemy,well since then they are,but it got worst. But she never let it block her way and work for the country. She finished a lot of project without any mandate and money from the goverment. The office of the Vice President who worked clean,but after all that greatness for the country,fake news or misleading are still spreading,but knowing her,she didn't mind it,instead she just focus on her work as the VP of Philippines.

And at home,she is plain mother of three precious girls who are intelligent,kind and diligent. They are very close to their Mother,no doubt. All of them adopted her honesty in all ascpect of their lives.

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