Movie night

348 12 1

Saturday,July 5, 2013

8:03AM, Quezon City

Tricia and Aika work together for their breakfast while Leni are doing her urgent work at their dinning thru her phone and some paper,and Jillian still in sleepy hazy lazy head in the couch. 

Tricia:Breakfast is ready. Ma pa clear na po ng table,thanks (Trish shouted from the kitchen of their condo unit)

Leni: Okay.Jill..

Jillian: hmm?

Leni; Gising na,breakfast na tayo

Jillian: Coming Ma (she said sleepily)

Aiks and Trish served their breakfast at the table,but still,Jillian are still in the living area

Aika: Jilliannaaaa!

Jillin: Yes,Ate? (lazily)

Aika: Kakain na

Jillian: 5 minutes,Ate

Tricia: Bahala ka dyan bajillks,pag di kapa pumunta dito,kami na lang ni ate Aika manonood ng cinema

Jillian run quickly to their dinning once she heard Tricia

Jillian: I'm here na Ate Trish ha,tayo mag mo-movie date mamaya ha (she said lively)

Leni: 'tamo 'to,talagang need pa ng kondisyon para mabilis makakilos (they laughed)

Jillian: It's been a while na din kasi since I've went to a cinema. Saka minsan lang ako yayain ni Ate Trish sa labas no

Tricia: Wow Jill ha? parang kagabi when I pick you up sa school,I treat you a snack

Jillian: Ay sorry sorry,I forgot,thanksss mwuaps

Aika: Tama na yan,let's pray para makakain na tayo

Tricia: Mama,please lead the prayer

It's saturday,It means free day,so they can do they whatever they wanted. After their not-so-quite breakfast,they go to their seperate rooms to fix the things they've left out. The three girls learn to be tidy at their home because from their mother who are known since then that are very organize and clean in her space which they adopted since they knew how to do chores. 


Leni: Anong gusto niyong lunch?

Jillian: Whatever is in your list ma,your choice

Tricia: I agree,basta no meat ma,please?
Jillian: Gusto ko meat ma

Tricia: Diba Jill di ako nakain ng meat?

Aika: Veggie na lang Ma magtatalo pa yang dalwa e,tamang tama we have mackerel,I'll fry it na lang

Tricia: Yun,thankyou Ate Aiks,kaya labs kita e'

Leni: Okay,punta na akong kitchen. Jill please cook our rice,and Trish clean the table and do the work,I bet you already know it

Trica: Copy Ma

Leni: Halika na Ate,help mo ako

Aika: one minute ma (she said while typing at her phone)

Jillian: si Ate katext na naman boyfie niya (they laughed)

Aika: Jill! wala nga (she said but still typing while smilling at her phone)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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