Oath to take

336 13 2

Liberal Party (new) Members Oathtaking.

June 27, 2013

6:52AM, Quezon City

Leni woke up too early today,it's her oathtaking as a newly member of Liberal party. Well the oath taking will be in 6PM in the evening,but she and the kids has to go to work and school. As a usual day goes by,she cooked their breakfast (or it would be Aika if she is away) after preparing their breakfast and 'baon' of the kids,Leni wake them up one by one.

"Jill..jill...anak.....gising na,breakfast is ready"

"yes Ma,coming up" a sleepy Jillian replied




"(knock)Aika,Trish..(knock)Aika..Trish...mga anak,gising na"

"Pababa na po Ma" she heard Tricia muttered but enough to Leni to hear

After few moments,Leni heard footsteps

Aika,Tricia,Jillian: Goodmorning,Ma

Leni: Goodmorning,let's eat. Male-late tayo pare-parehas pag binagalan pa natin

Jillian: Yes Madam! (which make them all laugh)

Leni: Kain na,inaasar niyo naman ako (laugh)


Leni is with Tricia and Jillian at her car,while Aika is driving at her own. Leni drop Tricia then Jillian to their school before she go the Congress to work 'till the afternoon.

"Bye Trish" she kissed her daughter

"Bye Ate Patring" she waived to her Ate


"Babye Jill" she waived and kiss her

"bye Ma,ingat labs na labs"

"labs na labs,thankyou"


Leni already arrived at the Congress,but she before she does her work,she make sure to text her kids that she is already in the office which they used to way back before.

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