Janine Patricia "Tricia,Patty,Trish" G. Robredo

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Janine Patricia Robredo also known as "Patty,Trish,or Tricia", graduates with a dual degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health. She is already a licensed doctor,and work for the country. 

She is the second child of Leni and Jesse Robredo,a certified "Papa's girl". That's why it's really hard for her to accept when her Papa got died by a plane crash. Leni always been there for Tricia, especially when her(Leni) spouse(Jesse) died. Tricia is the most "Pilisopa" on the three of them but "masungit" and "antukin" after her shift at the hospital.

She loves teasing and playing around with her sisters and their mother. But she is serious when it came to her study,she didn't want to dissapoint her mama and papa. Well all of them are studious. 

She is in charge when it came to their youngets,Jillian. Trish's emotions controls are very low, they call her "iyakan" and she admit it. She is hurting when her "bunso" is crying because of her fangirling,she always make sure she is there for Jillian even at the tiniest moment of her life. In short,she is the best "Ate" to Jillian. Tricia didn't fail to make them laugh even at her "sungit" times. and all of them got to used to it. 

She also has a dog named,Rocco,A pug. She try to face her fears to dog when she buyed Rocco and it works. That is her first purchased at her first salary on her first work. So she really took care of him,all of them did. Even Leni. She look at him like her first "anak" because Rocco was been very sweet to all of them. He became their stress reliever when they came home from school or work tired.

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