Chapter 3: the raising of Sam Hain

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It had been a few months since Dean had first met his nephew and found out that the angel Castiel had raised him out of hell. Him and Sam were currently heading back to the motel room that (y/n) was waiting for them in. Although Sam had been teaching him how to defend himself against the supernatural he didn't want him to hunt. He didn't want to be like John. But he didn't want to leave him behind at Bobby's so (y/n) traveled with them and stayed in the motel room whilst they went off hunting.

Sam entered the room and instantly drew his gun when he saw two men he's never seen before. He noticed that his son wasn't anywhere in the room.

"Who are you?! Where's my son?!"

Dean rushed in when he heard his brother shouting. He saw that Castiel was standing there looking at them both with an unfamiliar looking man behind him.

"Sam! Sam, wait! It's Castiel"

Dean pushed down Sam's gun as the younger Winchester stood there stunned.

"Him I don't know"

He said looking at Uriel.

(I'm gonna skip the bit where Sam says it's good to meet cas)

 Castiel started asking the two if they had located the witch and the importance of stopping the raising of Sam Hain. Sam tried to listen as it was obviously very important but he couldn't keep his mind from drifting to his son. He was worried about what might've happened.

"Where's (y/n)? Where's my son?"

He asked once Castiel had finished speaking. The angel looked at him with cold blue eyes but they held an unreadable emotion behind them.

" The witch had planted a hex bag here to kill you both but your son was effected instead. The hex bag was burned releasing him from its spell. He locked himself in the restroom afterwards. He is still in there" 

Sam's worry only dulled slightly. His son could still be hurt by whatever that witch had done.

"If you ask me, we should have let that abomination die. He's just another stain"

Uriel spat as he looked in the direction of the bathroom that the boy locked himself in. Dean took a strap forward as he glared at the angel who was acting like a dick.

"Listen here chuckles, you seem like you don't like anyone but other angels. Which makes you a racist dick. If you tried to hurt my nephew, I swear I will hunt your ass down and kill you myself."

Dean growled as he looked at the angel who looked at him with angered filled eyes.

"Do you really think that an insect like you can kill something like me?"

"That's enough. Dean you must stop the raising of Sam Hain. Do whatever it takes"

With that the two disappeared with the sound of wings fluttering. Sam was quick to rush over to the bathroom, Dean following behind him. He knocked on the door softly as to not scare the boy.

"(Y/n), it's me. The angels are gone, you're safe now. Can you unlock the door please?"

There was silence for a minute or two before Dean knocked, louder then how Sam knocked.

"Come on kid, come out. Whatever that witch did to you we can fix it. Just unlock the door"

Again they were met with silence which caused worry to build up in both of them.

The two looked at each before nodding. They stood back before Sam bashed his shoulder into the door, causing it to fly open. They rushed inside to see the youngest Winchester unconscious on the ground with blood at the corner of his mouth.


Sam rushed over to his son and held him in his arms as he checked for a pulse. It was slower than normal but still there. He let out a small sigh of relief before he picked him up and carried him to one of the beds.

Dean patted the boy's checks a little harshly to try and wake him up. When tahr failed he slapped him across the face which caused Sam to glare at him. A small groan caused them both to look back at the boy who stirred. His eyes opened slowly as he woke up. He was his dad by his side with eyes full of concern.


His voice was a little hoarse which they assumed was because of the spell from the hex bag.

"Hey buddy. How're ya feeling?"

He helped him sit up, keeping his hand on the base of his back.

"Like I got hit by a car. It was the witch, she placed a weird bag that triggered a spell or something. I'm sorry I didn't notice she put it in. I just left to get something to eat and when I come back the spell was activated... I'm sorry Dad, you and uncle Dean always say not to leave the room"

He looked down at the covers as to avoid his father's and uncles gaze. Dean ruffled the boys hair as to cheer him up a little. Over the last few months he had gotten to know his nephew and he realised that what Sam has said was true. The boy didn't have a single evil bone in his body.

"Don't sweat it kid. I made the same mistake when I was a kid. My dad told me not to leave the room no matter what and to always watch out for your dad. But i need to get out of that room so I did. If I didn't come back when I did that thing would've killed your dad. Our dad scared it off but I knew that it was my fault. Orders are there for a reason but that witch still would've hurt you if you were here anyway."

The memory of that night was still painful for Dean but he wanted to make sure that (y/n) knew that he wasn't the only one to disobey an order.

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