chapter 10: Lucifer rising

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"Dean? Dean. You listen to a word I said?"

Bobby asked as Dean blankly stared out of the window. They had gotten back a few hours ago and since then (y/n) hasn't come down from the room he was staying in.

"Yeah, I heard you. I'm not calling him."

"Don't make me get my gun, boy."

He turned around quickly, facing the bearded man.

"We are damn near kick off for Armageddon. Don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment?"

He snapped, his tone full of agitation. He had every right to be angry, especially with everything that had just occurred.

"I know you're pissed and I'm not making apologies for what he's done but he's your-"

"Blood? he's my blood? Is that what you're gonna say?"

"He's your brother and (y/n)'s father. And he's drowning."

His tone was steady, trying to reason with the damaged hunter infront of him.

"Bobby, I tried to help him. I did. Look what happened."

"So try again"

He walked away from the window, heading near the doorway before stopping only a small distance away from Bobby.

"No, it's too late"

"There's no such thing"

"No. Damn it, no. We gotta face facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first change he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again. Well, I am sick..and tired of chasing him. Screw him. He can do what he wants."

"You don't mean that"

"Yes, I do, Bobby. Sam's gone. He's gone. I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore, if he ever was. And he just abandoned (y/n), the son he's apparently so proud of and he just abandoned him."

Bobby sighed as he stood up quickly from his chair. He knocked off the books on his desk in anger as he spun around to face the man.

"You stupid, stupid son of a bitch!"

Dean stood in suprise as the hunter walked towards him.

"Well, boohoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, Princess. You under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family!"

He roared, trying to get his point across to the stubborn male.

"I told him, 'you walk out that door, don't come back' and he walked out anyway. That was his choice."

"You sound like a whiny brat"

Dean closed his eyes as he brushed past the man.

"No. You sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something. Your dad was a coward."

This caused the Winchester to turn around, not believing his ears and angry at the insult of his father.

"My dad was a lot of things Bobby, but a coward?"

"He'd rather push Sam away than reach out to him. Well, that don't strike me as brave. You are a better man than your daddy ever was"

Dean scoffed, not believing that at all. The depth of his self loathing was so deep that he'd never believe something like that.

"So you do both of us a favour. Don't be him"

He said softly but still with slight authority to get through to the man who had been raised as a soldier. Dean turned his back to the man, his mind racing, before he spun back around only to see he was somewhere else entirely.

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