Chapter 4: Anna Milton

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Sam was conning a man out of money by pretending to be drunk whilst playing pool. Dean acted to be concerned and take Sam away until Sam upped the money that they were betting on. (Y/n) stood off to the side watching his uncle and father as he held a glass of orange juice in his hand. He noticed that his father moved away from the game, Dean right behind him and followed the two until they stopped right in front of Ruby.


He smiled brightly at his mother who he hadn't seen in about a month. She gave him a fake smile before turning back to speak to Sam. (Y/n) was obviously closer to his father but he still loved it when his mother was around. He didn't get to see her much as she usually came around when Dean was out somewhere and he was either asleep or with his uncle. She'd usually show up when Sam was alone, unless it was important.

She told them about Anna Milton and how they needed to find her before the demons did. After a small argument between Ruby and Dean, they were in the impala heading to the hospital that the girl was last seen at.

Sam was on the phone to get a missing persons report on Anna. When he hung up he told his brother that she was real, as he had doubts about this whole thing.

"Doesn't mean the case is real. And this hospital's a three day drive"

"We've driven further for less, Dean"

Dean just shook his head as Sam looked at him. (Y/n) could feel the tension raising so he kept quiet, knowing better than to try and intervene.

"You got something to say, say it"

"Oh, I'm saying it. It sucks" 

"You're not pissed we're going after the girl. You're pissed Ruby threw us the tip."

"Right. Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family. Yeah, boy, something major must've happened while I was downstairs, cause I come back, and-and you're BFF with a demon? And I'm not talking about (y/n), something happened before him"

(Y/n) would be lying if he said that he wasn't curious about what Dean was asking. It was painstakingly obvious that the two hated demons so he wanted to know why his dad didn't mind having Ruby around.

"I told you Dean, she helped me Go after Lilith."

"Well, thanks for the thumbnail-real vivid. You want to fill in a little detail?"

"Sure Dean, let's trade stories. You first. How was hell? Don't spare the details"

Dean just kept silent as he drove. The boy in the back simply looked out of the window, thinking about when he'd next see his mother.


Whilst the two older Winchesters were asking around the hospital, (y/n) stayed with the motel watching scooby doo that was playing on the TV. 

He never went along with his uncle and father when they went out to ask around on a case since he looked too young to pass at anything they were pretending to be, unless it was a school or college. 

He continued watching television until he started to get tired and fell asleep. When he woke up, Sam and Dean were back, and both were hurt.

"What happened?"

He sprung up from the sofa and looked between the two, who were talking about the demon that had most likely caused their injuries.

"Just a demon. Nothing we can't handle, little guy"

Dean ruffled the boys hair with the arm that wasn't dislocated. They started talking about how they had to get Anna and Sam said that she's safe since Ruby had her. 

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