Chapter 15: pranks and ganks

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(y/n) sat in the motel room reading as he waited for Sam and Dean to get back from interviewing people who knew the girl who clawed through her own skull.

He was just finishing chapter 8 of the Harry potter and the goblet of fire when his phone rang. Dean had given it to him so that they could talk and check up on him when they were gone.


"Hey kid. we've gotta head down to the hospital, something about someone dying weirdly. We'll tell you everything when we get back, ok?"

"Ok. Hey, uncle Dean, is it alright if I go for a walk? I'm getting bored."

"Just be careful, alright? We don't know exactly what's happening in this town."

He smiled when Dean gave him the ok to go out. Staying inside all day got to him sometimes. After all, he is still a kid.

"I will. See you later, I love you"

"Love you too kid, see you later"

After tucking the phone into his jean pocket after Dean hung up, he quickly placed the bookmark on the page and left, eager to explore.

An hour or so later he headed back to the motel, happy after finding a dog park where he spent most of the hour. He walked past the kitchen to see his uncle cooking a leg of pork with an electric buzzer. Both of the Winchesters seemed shocked that it actually worked since they're just supposed to be harmless toys.

"That'll do pig."

Dean joked as Sam stepped forward, both men not noticing (y/n).

"What the hell? That crap isn't supposed to work."

"This thing doesn't even have batteries."

"So what? Are we looking at cursed objects?"

"Sounds good. Maybe there's a powerful witch in town."

Dean pulled out his pocket knife and cut off a price of meat before eating it.

(Y/n) walked towards the two after taking off the jacket he was wearing.

"Is there any link between the joy buzzer and the itching powder?"

"One was made in china, the other in Mexico, but they were both brought from the same store."

The eldest of the three kept cutting off pieces of meat, as sam looked at him with slightly judging eyes.

"Can I have some?"

The two jumped slightly, having not realised that the boy had returned from his walk. Dean held out a piece he had already cut off. The meat was nice and warm as it melted in his mouth.

"How was your walk?"

"It was good. I found a dog park"

He smiled brightly, causing the other two to smile.

"How'd you feel about going to a joke shop, kid?

"Sounds fun. What's a joke shop?"


The three walked in and started looking around.


Dean called out in a whispered voice as he showed a whoopee cushion. Sam simply sighed and rolled his eyes as his brother decided to buy it. (y/n) was trying to stifle his laughter at the two.

"Welcome to the conjurarium, sanctum of magic and mystery."

A guy appeared from the back , seeming fed up as he greeted them.

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