A weapon of mass destruction

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One week later...

Wanda was struggling to fall asleep ever since her imprisonment. She and Natasha had watched TV cuddled up against each other for hours. Natasha fell asleep a while ago, but Wanda found herself wide awake, scared of falling asleep because she knew that the nightmares would come to haunt her. The blonde's arm was draped over Wanda's body in a protective manner. Wanda slowly slipped out of Natasha's hold and limped over to the bathroom that was attached to her room in the medical wing. Even though her wounds were now treated and started to heal, it still hurt a lot. So when she was walking, the wound on her right leg was hurting from the gruesome experiments that were done on her. When she finally reached the bathroom, she steadied herself on the sink, taking a deap breath. Wanda looked up from the sink and almost lost her balance the moment she saw it. Her reflection. She slowly got closer to the mirror, staring in horror. Her cheeks were sunken in and her hair has gotten extremely thin and matt, the old glow gone. The eyebags made her look like a dead body, she thought.

But she already looked way better than a week ago. Her skin wasn't matching the color of the white bedsheets and her bones weren't sticking out that much anymore.

Her hands wandered up to her bandaged neck, carefully pulling at the bandages. When the bandage came off she cringed at the sight. She assumed that there would be burn marks, but she wasn't prepared to see the deep holes in her neck that were caused by the screws that held the collar in place. The sound of the shocks and her screams still echoed in her head, making the room spin.

She was back in her cell again. A group of guards stood in front of it, playing around with the remote of the shock collar. They turned the voltage up from time to time, enjoying the sound of her screams. When the next shock came, she was seizing on the floor, clawing at her face in pain. Her head was starting spin again until she was back in the present time.

Not wanting to look at the injury anymore, she put the bandage back on.
She found a stack of her clothes on a shelf and decided to change into these. Natasha was right, she would feel better in something of her own than in this hospital gown. Seconds later, the hospital gown was on the floor. Wanda couldn't help but stare at her reflection again. Her chest was littered in cuts and bruises. You could even spot fingerprints on her hips. The huge gash on her abdomen was covered in a bandage too, but she knew it was there and she didn't want to look at it. She didn't even want to look at herself anymore, it pained her. It pained her that all the torture she went through was for nothing. All for nothing. The worst part was that they had a fair reason to do that to her. She was dangerous, she needed restrictions.

Wanda shook her head, fighting against the thoughts that wanted to tell her that she deserved everything she went through. She reached for the fresh clothes and put the sweatpants on first. Then, she wanted to pull the sweater over her head, but something had caught her eye. She went closer to the mirror again, turning her back towards it slightly, so she could see better. What she saw shocked her to say the least. First, she didn't want to believe it and turned her head away from the mirror. But when she looked a second time she realized that this wasn't one of her nightmares. On her back was

weapon of mass destruction

cut in deep lines on her back. Her hand flew up to her mouth in attempt to stop the sobs that followed, but it was no use. Wanda sunk to the floor, falling on her knees with a thud. Her body shook with uncontrollable sobs, desperately trying to get air into her lungs. There was a knock on the door which only drove her into more panic. She heard a voice on the other side, but she couldn't make out who the voice belonged to. Everything was a blur to her and it scared her- the knocking, the voice, the blurriness. She crawled in the last corner of the room, making herdelf as small as possible when the door suddenly fell out of it's hinges. A blurry figure came into her direction. It said something, but Wanda couldn't make out who it was.

It was Clint. He wanted to check up on Wanda an Natasha, but only found Natasha peacefully sleeping in the bed. That's when he heard loud sobs coming from the bathroom. He immediately knew that the sobs came from Wanda. The archer went to the door and wanted to open it, but it was locked from the inside.

"Wanda, can you please open the door for me? It's Clint." He asked, but got no responses, so he tried again.

"Wanda, honey, if you won't open the door, I will have to break it down"

When he still didn't get any form of a response, he took a few steps back and kicked at the door, ripping it out of the hinges in the process. He heard Natasha weaking up, but he had to take care of Wanda first. On the first look he almost didn't see her, but her cries revealed her location. Clint spotted her in a corner of the room, knees up to her chest. He noticed that she didn't wear a shirt and frantically searched for something she could wear. He found her sweater on the floor next to the hospital gown and picked it up. With slow steps he got closer to Wanda's shaking figure.

"Wanda, it's me, Clint. What's wrong honey?"

She didn't answer but he knew what was wrong; she must have seen what's on her back. Wanda hugged herself so tight that her hands were on her bare back, clawing at the cuts. They were opening up again and blood gathered beneath Wanda's fingernails.

"Hey, hey stop that, it's going to get infected again, if you scratch it open." Clint said and kneeled down in front of Wanda. He took her hands from her back and held them in his own, giving a light squeeze. Wanda slowly lifted her head to look up at Clint, tears brimming in her eyes. Without another word he took the sweater and pulled it over her head and then her arms. When he was done, he sat down against the wall next to her.

"Thank you" she whimpered hoarsely.

"No problem"

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I remembered the day it happened vividly" Wanda suddenly croaked.

"You don't have to talk about it, I know what happened"

"I know, I wanted to apologize" her voice was barely audible at this point.

"Apologize for what? You have nothing to apologize for."

"I'm sorry you had to watch. I'm sorry you and the others had to listen to my s- screams. They should've only tortured me, I'm the monster, not you."

"Oh Wanda, non of what's hapenned is your fault and you're most definitely not a monster. "

"But a weapon of mass destruction"

"No, you're nothing like that. You're such a caring and loving person. How could you be a monster?"

"Ask the guards in the Raft prison, they were pretty specific on how I am a monster, a weapon of mass destruction- unlovable. "

"You're not unlovable" another voice spoke up. It was Natasha who leaned onto the doorframe. She pushed herself away from it and walked towards the pair on the floor.

"How do you know?" Wanda asked, tilting her head.

"Because- because I love you, Wanda"

What do you think about the chapter and what do you want to happen next?
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Word count: 1316 words

She's Just A Kid~ W.M.Where stories live. Discover now