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"You can't love me Tasha" Wanda sighed.

"But I do love you, Wands. Why wouldn't I love you?"

Clint awkwardly stood up and left the both of them alone in the bathroom.

"Don't you get it? I am a weapon of mass destruction! I am not human, I literally have no human rights anym-"

"Who told you that bullshit?"

"It doesn't matter, Nat"

"Hell yes, it does. It matters to me."

"It doesn't matter because the person was right. I am not loveable, so how could you possibly love me?"

"Whoever told you this lied to you! You still have human rights Wands, no one can take your humanity away from you. That person wanted you to believe all of that so you won't put up a fight. They wanted to break you and make you think you were all those things. But you are non of that, Wanda Maximoff. "

"But who am I, if not what they made me see? Because every time I look at myself, I see exactly what they told me."

"That is exactly what they wanted you to see. I wish you could see the person that I see, when I look at you. You're such a kind spirit. Your first instinct is to help everyone, no matter what they did. You like to play the guitar and sing along to songs on the radio. You always smiled when I made u pancakes. God, did you ever see how beatiful you are? Especially when the sun meets your eyes. It gives them such a beautiful glow that holds me captive everytime. I can go on, if you want"

Wanda looked at her, stunned.

"How could you notice such little details?"

"Like I told you, I love you"

Wanda wanted to say something, but a loud noise turned her attention away from the blonde.

"What the hell was that?" she asked, tilting her head.

"I have no clue" Natasha answered, her body on alert for any form of treath, ready to protect Wanda.

"Attention, there are intruders in the building. I repeat, there are intruders in the building." King T'Challa spoke through the speakers.

"They are coming for me" Wanda gulped at her own words as did Natasha.

"I won't let them take you, not again."

"What do we do now?"

"Stay behind me, we need to find the others."

Natasha walked out of the bathroom and was immediately attacked by a man. She pinned his arm behind his back and knocked him to the floor. His head hit the edge of the bed and he went unconscious. The Black Widow took a step towards the man and inspected his outfit.

"This is HYDRA. Come on Wanda, we need to get you out of here" she said and grabbed Wanda's hand, pulling her along into the hallway.

"Nat stop, I can't walk that fast. It hurts."

"I know it does, but you gotta keep fighting, alright? I can't carry you and fight at the same time"

Wanda nodded in understanding, bit her teeth together and continued to limp after Natasha. The lights of the hallway were flickering and the sounds of a fight were audible.

"Get down!" they heard Clint yell.

Without hesitation Natasha and Wanda ducked right when an arrow flew above their heads. Natasha got up first, holding her hand out for Wanda and pulled her to her feet. A few meters behind them layed an HYDRA agent with an arrow in his chest.

She's Just A Kid~ W.M.Where stories live. Discover now