Monday morning was a seven o'clock wakeup call for Parker (Poseidon) which also means waking up Draco. The two sets of parents talked like old friends in the kitchen and make breakfast for the two small families. Draco and Parker were both getting ready for the day in Parker's room. Both Parker and Draco were excited when they were woken up by their parents and told that they were going to spend the day together at Parker's school so the Malfoys could see if Draco would like for them to go to school together.
"Come on boys, you still need to eat breakfast before we leave for the school." Stacy yelled to the boys from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming!" was the yelled response of both nine-year-old boys followed by both of their rushed footsteps running down the hall and the stairs. All four adults were having trouble controlling the laughing fits threatening to erupt. Good news for them the laughing ended and turned into coos of adoration when the boys rounded the corner into the adults' sights. Draco and Parker were dressed the school uniforms with Draco wearing one of Parker's extra ones.
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"You two look adorable!" both moms gusted at the sight on the blond headed boys. Both boy's faces went red because of their mothers and they quickly went into their seats at the table to eat. Ten minutes later both were done. Draco followed Parker back upstairs where they both brushed her teeth and parker put his binders and textbooks into his bookbag before they went back down the stairs to put their shoes on by the front door and everyone got in the James' family SUV.
The drive to school only took ten minutes. Draco was worried about what school would be like but luckily Parker was there to reassure him that everything will be okay and that they were going to be together all day. By the time the SUV parked in the parking lot Draco was feeling better but still holding Parker's hand, bot that either one of them minded. The two little boys walked in front of their parents with Parker leading the entire group to the front office because both sets of parents as well as Draco had to get passes to be in the school for the day. The principle approved for the them to stay since he is good friends with Parker's parents and everyone fallowed Parker, still holding hands with Draco, to his first class of the day, Science.
Along the way the three Malfoys were shocked at how the school looked and asked questions about the things they saw. Stacy explained to them that not all schools are like this that most other schools are underfunded and don't have the modern school equipment like this one. Narcissa asked what was the difference in other schools and this one is and true fully Lucius, who had never experienced muggle school so he was interested in learning about the world he would be introducing Draco to. That is when the real explanation comes in, "Well, this is a STEM school meaning they focus more on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to help them get further in life. They also have more advanced teachers and take nutrition very seriously meaning they also provide healthy lunches and snacks unlike normal schools in this country who give the children barely edible food during the day." Stacy told Narcissa and Lucius. Both elder Malfoys just nodded their heads in shock about the information they learned about the American school system.