47: Makeup

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Tw: Blood/gore, self harm

I let Peter follow me into the elevator. I slumped against the wall, scanning my keycard and clicking the button up to the penthouse on the top floor. 

"I'm really sorry," Peter said, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just needed to let out some anger and it was all just building up and I didn't know what to do." He paused. "And I'm sorry if I scared you."

I picked my sweater off the bloody mess on my arm, lifting the wet fabric off the open wound.

"I shouldn't have done that," Peter said. "And I understand if you want to break up, or you don't want to talk to me anymore. I don't have an excuse for that kind of shit."

I smirked. "You swore."

"Yeah, I swore, because I feel horrible about what happened!" He exclaimed. "Neither of us is in the right, and I'm sorry!"

"It's fine." I turned out the doors as they opened to the penthouse, heading to my bathroom to wash out my arm. "I shouldn't've pushed it. Or her."

"We both messed up." Peter followed me. 

"Yes, I know!" I threw off my sweater, throwing it into the shower to stop it from staining the floor. "You're going to say this isn't about us, that we need to go find Max. And I agree with you. Completely." I turned on the faucet, waiting for the hot water. I grabbed rubbing alcohol, gauze, and a roll of bandages from under the sink. I slammed them on the counter, forcing my arm under the running water.

"Harley!" Peter shouted. "This isn't just about Max." He grabbed my arm. "This is about us. Look what you did to yourself, because of all of this." He waved my arm around, but I yanked it back under the water. 

"Fuck you, I did this on my own choice," I muttered, unwrapping the bandages on my hand that'd gotten wet when he moved my arm around. "I have my own reasons, just like you've got yours. No one wants to talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about mine, but guess what. I do." Peter responded fast. "All this shit that's happening right now includes us. For christ's sake, please just care about yourself for once."

"I don't have time, Peter!" I shouted, dumping the container of rubbing alcohol on it. "We don't have time for this shit or this." I yanked up his sleeve, showing the multiple red marks all over his forearms. "We need to go find Max because it's all my fucking fault she's gone in the first place."

Tears fell down my face, from anger, and also from the cut on my arm lighting itself on fire. 

"Max can wait five minutes." Peter unfolded a piece of gauze. "Mr. Stark has a whole team working on it right now. Not everything depends on us." He placed the gauze on my arm, grabbing the bandages from behind me with a web.

"No, she can't. They're not going to find her." I sat on the edge of the sink, letting Peter dress my arm.

"Neither are we. Not now at least." He replied. "We need to sit down and talk this out."

"Ugh." I groaned, tensing my arms. "But I pushed her off a fucking roof, Peter. I yelled at her until she got so mad she didn't try to fly away!" 

"She must've tried," He added. "She wouldn't give up that easily. She broke a fucking window out of the tower."

"That's a bad word." I grinned, staring at him.

"Well, I guess you now know I'm capable of swearing," Peter replied, looking up at me. 

Our eyes locked.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"I'm sorry too." He replied.

We stared at each other for a few more seconds before he spoke again.

"Well, I think that's the best you're gonna get." Peter lifted my arm to show me. It was bandaged much better than my other hand, all neat and without any blood showing through.


I stood up and left the room, heading to my dresser to get another hoodie to hide my arms. 

"Harley-" Peter appeared behind me, rushing out of the room to catch up.

I spun around, finding his face inches from mine. "What?"

He slammed his lips to mine, pushing me back into my wall. I immediately kissed back, holding his back. He smirked against my lips, chuckling lightly into my mouth. I bit his lower lip, bending slightly to reach him better. He wrapped his arms around my neck, deepening the kiss even more. I spun him around, putting him against the wall this time. He grunted loudly when his back hit the wall. He kissed back hard, placing both hands on my shoulders, making the gap between our bodies even smaller. 

I pulled away for a moment, panting. He opened his eyes and glanced at me. His face was red, as were his lips. He breathed heavily into my chest, his warm breath hitting my collarbone. He was still playing the small one when we both knew he could easily overpower me if he wanted.

I took another small breath, before glancing back up at him again. He nodded and leaned in to kiss me yet again. 

Our lips had just touched when there was a knock on the door, and Peter immediately shot a web to slam it shut.

"What-" Pepper muttered. "Harley?"

"Oh," I replied, stepping back from the boy in front of me. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" She asked. "I just got back up and then heard a thud from your room!" The doorknob rattled again, spiderweb keeping it stuck to the doorframe.

"Oh, I'm fine!" I replied, glancing at Peter with wide eyes. His lips were red, and I bet mine would be if I checked a mirror. He waved his hand to the door, keeping his mouth shut and his eyes wide.

"Why won't your door open-" She muttered from the other side. There was a light thud when she tried to push it open.

"Oh, uh, sorry, one minute!" I replied, frantically waving my hands at Peter to do something.

"What do I do?!" He whispered.

I shrugged, panicking as I glanced in the mirror. My face wasn't very noticeable, the swelling already dying down.

Peter picked at the webs on the handle, ripping them off. I rushed to open the door the smallest amount and smiled at Pepper.

"Hey." I nodded.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "I thought I heard another voice."

"Oh, no that was just- FRIDAY," I replied.

"Ah." She nodded. "Well, I just came to check-in. I spoke with FRIDAY, asking if you were here to check up on you. I heard you guys found Max or something the other night?"

"Oh, yeah. But it's a long story." I put a hand behind my neck, scratching the fingernail indents Peter had left.

"She said Peter was here?" Pepper continued, trying to open my door more. I kept my foot in place behind it so she couldn't open it farther.

"Oh, yeah, must've been a, um, a malfunction?"

She picked at the leftover web on the doorframe. "What's this?"

"Uhh, art project."

"For what school?" She grumbled. "Hi, Peter." 

He sheepishly appeared behind me, waving hello.

"I need to talk to you." Her smile instantly faltered, glancing at me.


"Come on." She turned away, waving at me to follow. She walked down the hall, glaring at me when she turned back to make sure I was following. "Peter, you go back to your room."

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