34: Sleepover

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I ate dinner with May and Peter, and then Ned and MJ came over at six. Ned had a huge lego box in his arms, and MJ held what had turned out to be an art bag, full of her sketchbooks and colored pencils.

Peter had to clear a spot in his room for everyone. He stacked the bunk beds vertically against the far wall in his room, opening up the floor a ton more.

We all sat on the floor around the dumped-out box, while MJ sat at Peter's desk drawing something in her sketchbook.

"We need to pull up the instructions online," Ned explained.

"Alright." Peter grabbed Ned's phone and unlocked it, scanning a code on the back of the box. A link popped up, and he selected a few more buttons before pulling up the correct instructions. "Okay, we need bag 1a."

Ned reached for a small bag, splitting it open on the wood floor.

"Find this piece." Peter showed Ned and me the pice on Ned's phone, and we all dug through the pile until Peter found it.

We continued that repetition for what felt like forever, but the spaceship was very slowly coming together. Peter and Ned called it a Millennium Falcon. I had to agree with one of their conversation topics, it was a great name for a spacecraft.

Peter set up a movie on his laptop to watch as they built it. It was the first Star Wars, so I could "understand their obsession." I didn't pay much attention to the legos after that, I just continued to watch the movie.

At one point, we all had to shift backward a couple of feet to make more room for the build, so I rested my wings on the bunk beds instead of the floor.

"MJ!" Ned shouted.


"Move your foot."

She glanced down and picked up her foot, resting it on the chair. "Sorry."

Ned grabbed the smallest piece of plastic I'd ever seen and placed it on the bottom half of the ship. It was as far as the two had gotten that night, though they were coming back over in a day or two to continue building the lego ship.

Ned and MJ said their goodbyes and left. Peter and I watched a movie and went to sleep. I woke up to a note saying "May went to work and I went to school. May will be back at 2, and you know when I get back. Don't leave the apartment. TV remotes on the coffee table, leftovers are in the fridge and feel free to raid the pantry.-Peter"

I spent the day being bored as heck. I watched three movies, made an entire dish of mac and cheese thanks to a recipe I found, then cleaned everything because I had nothing better to do.

May came back at two on the dot, just as the note had said. She was impressed with the mac and cheese. I just smiled and hid out in Peter's room. 

Peter didn't swing home that day, he brought MJ with him, and they had walked.

"She's in your room." I heard May say after she opened the door.

"Max?" Peter knocked on the door.

"Hey," I replied, not moving from the book I'd found on his shelf. It was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. 

"Okay, I brought MJ." He said, tossing his bag on the floor and climbing to grab something on his shelf. He handed me a bookmark. "Don't dogear the pages please."

I nodded, placing the bookmark in the spine and closing the paperback softly.

"So, is this running away thing going to be more than a few days?" Peter started.

I shrugged. "I know I can only stay here a day or two, but I don't want to go back yet."

MJ glanced at Peter. "I have a proposition." She said. I glanced at her. "Since you're cool, and my parents aren't going to be here for another three weeks, do you want to stay at my house while things blow over?"


"Max, Mr. Stark came to talk to me in school," Peter said. "He's putting all his work into finding you and knowing you're safe. I told him you're okay, but I know he'll be here soon. Like, any minute."


"And he doesn't know you and MJ are kinda friends ish." He continued. "So, he wouldn't think to check her house."

"And no one will be home, so you don't have to worry about my parents finding out," MJ added. "And from what I've heard, Tony Stark is not the best at parenting."

Suddenly, there was a loud door slam. The crunching of two sets of shoes. One very familiar voice speaking into a buzzer. "Hey kid, we're just here to check on you and your aunt. Can you buzz us in?"

I looked at Peter. His eyes were wide, and he was staring at me.

"What, what's going on?" MJ asked.

"He's here," Peter said, quickly grabbing my bag. "May! Don't let him in!"

"What-" MJ said as my bag was shoved in her arms. 

Peter stuffed all my stuff back in the bag, then a few clean shirts and sweatpants from his drawers. "Those should last you a while." He glanced back at the room, before running to grab my toothbrush from the bathroom and put it on top of everything else in my bag.

"Go out the window." He slid open the window and ran out of his room.

MJ went first, still holding my backpack while I exited.

"What's going on?" She asked.

I heard Peter's apartment door open, and his sheepish laugh. "Hey, Mr. Stark."

"We heard him in the lobby," I explained, taking my bag and running down the steps. "He's in the apartment now."

"Wait- you have superhearing?"

"Yes. Heightened senses."

"Oh, cool. I didn't know that."

I smiled, jumping the last few feet to the ground.

"Uh, one problem," MJ said. "You can't take the subway."

I shook my head.

"Okay." She continued walking down the street as she thought. "How do we get home."

We continued walking to the subway station.

"Can you fit in a car?" She asked.

"No, sorry."

"Could you fly us?"

"Uhh, I could try."

"Or we could walk. It's like, four miles." She continued. "How uncomfortable is it to hold up the wings like that all the time?"

I shrugged. "I could carry you on my back."

Authors note: Yeet I'm bored sorry.

i don't know what to do and I'm tired

okay bye

Aw man I finished writing this like, four days ago and pressed save instead of publish

shit sorry

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