59: Sleep

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I slept until two PM. Apparently, all the lights were going crazy in the tower.


I didn't dream, at least not anything I could remember.

When I did wake up, I forced myself out of bed and to the common room.

I ignored everyone, going to the kitchen and taking a cold piece of pizza from the fridge from the previous night's dinner.

I found myself on the couch again, what a surprise. Along with me, were Carrie and Six trying to figure out how the tv remote worked.

"Press that button," Carrie muttered.

Six very aggressively poked a button on the remote, and they both looked up with extreme hope, only for their faces to drop when the tv shut off.

"What did you do?" Six whispered.

"You pressed the button!"

"You told me to-"

"Do you need help?" I asked.

They both looked at me.

"No-" Carrie muttered.

"Yes, please." Six replied.

"No, we can do this." She said.

"Have either of you ever even seen a movie?" I asked, plucking the remote from his hands.

They frowned.

"No, you guys only got the educational video clips, right?" I continued.

Six nodded.

"Yeah, I only ever saw pictures and videos of nature stuff," I said. "But now, we can watch actual television. And movies, and shows, with plots."

Carrie raised her eyebrows. "Videos with a plot?"

"No, they're not videos," I replied. I scrolled around on the channels and found Netflix. "They're like, full length, and hour or two worth of expertly shot content."

"What does that mean?" She questioned.

"That means, that the thing I'm about to show you will blow your mind." I smiled, selecting Rise of the Guardians. I swear I'm not twelve, I just absolutely love this movie.

"Why does it look fake?" Six asked.

"3D animation. Basically animated drawings with dimension."


Carrie was lying upside down by the end of the movie.

"That was so cool!" She shouted. Her face was bright red.

"Yeah!" Six exclaimed. "Can we watch it again?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Do you want to watch a different movie?"

"There are more?!" Carrie sat herself up, face lit up.

"Yes." I nodded, exiting the movie. "There are a lot more."

"How many?" Six asked.

"Uhh," I looked for my phone, which I did not have. "Hey FRIDAY!"

"Yes?" Her blip appeared on the wall.

"How many movies are there?"

"There are approximately 500,000 movies available on streaming services around the world," She replied.

"Thanks." I turned back to the two sitting near me. "About 500,000."

"That's so many!" Six said. "How are we gonna watch them all?"

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