Slay queenz 🥵🥵🥵

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It was the next day and the small group were huddled up in the small and cozy room in the abandoned house, planning their next move.

They came to the conclusion that they will have to find weapons, food, water and something to hit Danny dog with.

"Brooooo. Why the last part of the list! Oh I get it," Danny smirked and pointed at the group, "you girls want to hit on me!"

The girls gagged and poor Zoe zebra ran out of the house to vomit.

"What the hell, Danny!?" Bellowed Suzy whilst crossing her arms and rolling her eyes, "go chew a stick or something, no one cares".

Danny huffed and eye-rolled on his way out.

The group laughed with tears in their eyes, thinking Danny decided to follow Suzy's advice.

"We still have some friends that we need to help!" Realizes Peppa suddenly.

"You mean the boys...? No. Just no. We are not going back to help them." Declares Ellie the elephant crossing her arms.

"..." The whole group is silent in thought.

"But...I suppose we can't leave them to die. I guess..." Ellie the elephant adds to her previous sentence.

Peppa was curious. She thought for this whole time that Ellie was the most shy elephant in the world. How could she possibly talk in front of anyone except her pet rock? Omg #characterDevelopment

Peppa walks up to Ellie and puts her arm around her in comfort, "I agree with Ellie!"

Ellie's face flushed and she looked away, "thanks" she mumbles.

Suzy had a tinge of jealousy and mumbled "I wish I were hEaThEr" while hooking her hair behind her ear.

Time flew passed so quickly, the group didn't notice it was past their bedtime. Once they got ready, they huddled with each other, preserving their body heat.

The birds chirped and the girls awoken. They went to a nearby clean lake and drink water from their. Zoe zebra found a cherry and apple tree to eat from. It was a great way to start the day.

They headed to the city after they glued leaves to their face to look like facial hair. Surprisingly, no one looked twice at them while passing the street. Probably because there was no one in the street in the first place.

"Umm yo girlies, I know that me and my homies needs being saved from potentially sociopathic parents but like..." Stammers Danny dog, mightily affected by spending the cold night outside.

The group glare at Danny. Rebecca rabbit teases Danny, "what? You scared?"

"Hell nah, Becs. You expect a strong, brave and muscular alpha male like me to be scared?" Chuckles Danny, sweat dripping from the side of his forehead.

"First up, drop the nickname!" Shouts Rebecca angrily, "if you want to stay with us, you have to learn not to be so annoying!"

Rebecca was the tallest out of all of them, counting her ears. It was an understatement to say Danny wasn't frightened. He was petrified and on the brink of peeing himself.

They stopped outside the house of Pedro Pony. Each of them took a stick off the apple and cherry tree to use as weapons if anything were to happen.

Suzy walked up and knocked on the door. Danny stood there aghast at Suzy's action, "why would you do that!?" He whisper-shouted with a muffled voice from the leaves.

Before Suzy could respond the door creaked open, "why hello there ladies and gents! Come on in." The voice sounded friendly but the group were not fooled.

Danny piped up, "do I smell... spaghetti!?"

Everyone's eyes lit up at the sound waves Danny dog is producing - all of them love spaghetti.

"Yes, yes. We are making spaghetti and meatballs in the kitchen! Along this way." Confirmed Pedro pony's dad.

The father led them to the kitchen and gave them each a seat with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

"May I ask where Pedro is? I haven't seen him since I came to this house." Said Peppa, remembering what they were here for in the first place.

"Uhm. Pedro? I'm afraid that there is no Pedro in this house." Stammers Pedro pony's dad.

Zoe zebra could see through Pedro's dad, "you mean anymore. You killed him! Them you cooked him and fed him to us!"

The group were disgusted and shocked.

Suzy walked up to Pedro's dad with her pointy stick and stabbed as hard as she could. This bought everyone time and they all ran to the door to escape. It doesn't seem like Pedro pony's mum is home, thankfully.

They left the house swiftly, not making much noise.

Suzy just joined the group after managing the business effectively. She had blood stains on her clothes which made her all the more hotter in Peppa's eyes.

The group high fives each other in celebration.

One down, a few others to go.

Peppa pigs road to freedomWhere stories live. Discover now