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Earth and Amphibia are 2 separate worlds existing in the same universe. (I know they don't but for the sake of this AU just roll with it okay?) And no one is aware....

That's a lie.

The major populace of both worlds don't know, but the leaders do. 

The most recent ruler of Amphibia, King Andrias, has been concealing with his true master, The Core. The Core was made up of the previous rulers' minds.

"My lord, I am surprised you called me so suddenly. What is the matter?" The king ask the giant, robotic, eye-filled organism.

The Core spoke with the many voices of its rulers, only Andrias knowing what they said.

"Why yes, the experimentation of operation 'Secret Invasion' isn't going to well as we haven't figured out how to replicate the Human body but-"

The Core spoke.

"What? Well, I suppose that could work."

It spoke again.

"Very well then, I will go get the assassins."

*Much later*

"Anne!" Sasha and Marcy called out to their younger friend, who quickly turned from the cute little frog and smiled at them.

Amphibia: Lost in the WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now