Routine check up

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Anne saw a deep dark void again, and had a sneaking suspicion of what was going to happen. Sure enough, that weird blue fire version of her appeared in front of her. "Oh no, you're not flying into me again!" Anne said as she tried to run away, key word being 'tried.' Her legs stayed rooted to the ground even as she pulled them. "Crap." Suddenly behind the other Anne a giant flash of orange appeared, taking the form of giant glowing eyes. "W-WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT?!"

Anne noticed 2 other glowing figures forming besides the other Anne, one of red and the other of green, but their details were less distinct. The 3 launched themselves at the giant orange eyes and an explosion engulfed them all, taking Anne with them.

Anne groaned a bit as she woke up, rubbing her eyes to chase away her fatigue. She takes a second to look at her hands, which almost seem to be surrounded by blue, but Anne chalked it up to her eyes being weird. I mean, according to everyone else her eyes were now blue instead of brown, which was weird. Anne pushed herself off her bed, which was hard to do, and looked around her room. 

It was mostly the same; The walls and floor has the same color, the window was still there, her poster of that one action anime still hung above her bed even though that was technically her father's.

The only main difference laid on the other side of the room. There was now a separate bed, with green sheets as oppose to her pink ones. A desk with a small lamp stood next to it with a few books on top of that. Also on the bed was Marcy, who was asleep....

"Oh right.... Holy cow I'm on Earth." The gravity of the situation came crashing back into her and made her feel all the emotions she felt yesterday come flying back at her. Not in the same way, but enough to make her tear up a bit.

"I reckon we wake her up, early Frog catches the-"

"JESUS!" Anne leapt to the other side of the room as Hop Pop stood there. "Dude! You don't just sneak up on people like that!"

"*Snore* Huzzwa?" Marcy, having been woken up by Anne's little shouting, gave a yawn as she leaned up and stretched her arm a bit. She got off her bed, her notably being in some pajamas instead of the clothes she had on yesterday, and walked over to Anne, patting her head.

"Um, what're you doing?" Anne asked.

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