Planting at the Plantars

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It was surprisingly easy to get the town to understand her, and it helped that now the Plantars were essentially just beings that could phase through things and couldn't leave Anne's side. She was glad they weren't just voices in her head now, but she was also curious if she could do more. Like, say, bring them back to life? She doubted it, but it may be possible.

But back on track, Anne wanted to do something else for the community, to 'prove her worth' so to speak. And what better way to do that other than to help with farming!

So that's how Anne found herself standing in front of a field, a rake in her hand, a small but still fitting hat on top of her head, and the Plantars by her side.

"Well Anne, I'm glad you decided to help out on the farm. given you're basically an honorary Plantar at this point." Hop Pop said, getting Anne to smile a bit. "Now, there's a few things you should know. Firstly, all you need to do is till the soil a bit, and secondly, kill any grubs that try to steal the crops. Pretty easy if you ask me."

"Okay, but what do they look like exactly?" Anne asked, still staring out into the field.

"Well, they're big and plump, some grey and some brown, oh and they've got pincers too."

"Like those things?" Anne asked.

Hop Pop looked over at the field and indeed saw some grubs walking around and picking at the crops. "AHH! GET THEM!"

Anne nodded and dashed off towards the grubs, a smirk forming on her face. The grabs noticed her and burrowed under the dirt. Anne walked over to the spot they dug and tapped her foot patiently. A second later one of them popped up and Anne attempted to whack it, but it ducked back underground. The other one popped up and Anne attempted to hit it, but it did what it's other fellow grub did and went under ground. Pretty soon they both were popping up and going down, as if it were a game. 

Anne groaned to herself as she began to get a bit tired but she refused to let up, instead focusing on the task and not her body.

"Oh I have an idea!" Sprig said before diving under the dirt, phasing though it easily, and pushing the grubs up from underneath. Anne quickly whacked both of them away and into a barrel, closing it off. 

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