The Human and the Dead Frogs

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Anne gasped and shot up, gripping her teal colored shirt in an attempt to calm her heart. Her breathing was as high as it always was when she panicked, so she quickly realized she was panicking.

"Anne, are you okay?" Anne's heart softened a bit at the voice, turning to her side to see a red frog next to her. Beside him was an elderly orange frog and an extremely young purple tadpole. These were Sprig, Hop Pop, and Polly respectively, and they were dead.

Yeah, just ripping it right off aren't we?

"Y-Yeah, I'm good Sprig, just a bit of a nightmare." Anne chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's no big deal really."

"Now Anne-" Oh boy, another one of Hop Pop's lectures, "- I understand that you want to be strong and all that, but that doesn't mean you have to keep stuff all bottled up, because then it will explode and blah blah blahblahblahblahblah-"

Anne tuned Hop Pop out for a minute to recount when this had first started happening.

*3 years ago*

A 10 year old Anne, still strapped to a table, watched as the bodies of 2 frogs and a tadpole were discarded down a chute, her stomach twisting in all the wrong ways. Or maybe it was due to having some of her organs replaced? She couldn't tell anymore.

"Well, the transplant process was a success at the very least." A newt said, tossing a bloodied towel into a basket.

"Yep, hopefully we'll get lucky with this one."

Anne slipped into unconsciousness again.

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