Mobs? Normal. Humans? Not normal

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Anne heard some commotion outside the Plantar house hold as she was adjusting the plates she used earlier. Sprig literally phased through the door before coming back in. "Urgh, still freaky we can do that. Also, two things. One; Other people still can't see us. And two; There's a mob outside."

"Wait what?" Anne's eyes widened but Hop Pop just laughed.

"Eheheh, I guess I forgot to tell you that mobs are pretty normal around here. I wonder what they're rallying up about today?"

Anne and the Plantars moved to the window to get a better look and hear better, seeing a few Frogs with pitchforks standing in front of Wally.

"Oh boy, here we go. Good old Wally spillin' the beans once again." Polly groaned.

"I'm tellin' you guys, it was real! I saw it with me own eyes and everythin'!" Wally flaied his arms around. "It was twice as big as me, a-and it looked like it wanted to eat me! And I'm telling you that it's in that house! I could hear it's snoring." Wally said while rubbing his hands together.

"Excuse me? I don't snore THAT loud." Anne scoffed. "If anything I snore normally."

"There's nothin' to be ashamed of about snorin' Anne, in fact I was told I was one of the worst snorers." Sprig said.

"Uhuh, and that's one thing being dead fixed." Polly replied to Sprig, getting the red Frog to stare at his sister.

"Well THAT isn't morbid or anything." Anne whispered to herself before a few Frogs started approaching the house.

"Look 'ere Wally, we'll have a little looksie and then you can quite complaining okay?" A big turquoise Frog said as they approached the house, causing Anne to dash behind the wall.

"Crud!" Anne whisper-yelled to herself. Anne looked around frantically for a place to hide but it was way too late when a Frog entered.

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