Chapter 3

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Tw : ⚠️, talk of SA in this chapter, not specific details

The first people to wake up in the morning were Imani and Nicki.

" Goodmorning." Nicki said to Imani as she moved a piece of Imani's hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Good morning."Imani said smiling. " You wanna go explore this building a bit more? Maybe find a spot we can have to ourselves."

" Um hmm. I like the sound of that." Nicki said and the two got up and walked quietly out of the room and into the hall.

While Nicki and Imani were wandering the halls for a secret spot , Lyza awoke and had a similar idea.

She slowly left the room and wandered into some of the rooms down the hall. She was going through the cabinets when someone knocked on the open door to signal their presence and Lyza jumped.

" Oh god Anna you scared me!" Lyza said as she turned around to meet Anna's face.

" What are you doing going through the cabinets Lyza?" Anna asked in a slightly accusatory tone.

" Oh, just, uh looking for some more blankets and stuff." Lyza said.

" Lyza, from addict to addict, I know you were trying to see if there were any pills laying around. Talk to me, what's happening in your head right now." Anna said as she walked closer to Lyza and put her hand on her shoulder.

" I'm sorry Anna. I'm sorry. I was looking for pills. I'm just so worried about my mom. I know I should be mad because she kicked me out and all, but I'm not. I just hope she's okay and she wasn't like outside hiking or something when it happened. She loves to do that, and just not having a way to even find out if she's okay is tearing me apart."Lyza said as tears fell from her eyes.

Anna reached up and gently took Lyza's glasses off her face and set them on the counter before using her thumbs to wipe away her tears. " I bet your mom is just fine. She was probably at work or at the store or something if she wasn't home."

Anna wrapped her arms around Lyza pulling her in and comforting her. " I know it's really hard to not try and turn to the things that help us cope, but we have to. You think you can just come talk to me instead of going looking for pills next time the emotional turmoil is too much? You can wake me up, I don't mind." Anna said.

" Okay thank you . Again I'm really sorry Anna, I hate to be a disappointment." Lyza said.

" I'm not disappointed in you. I am not someone who gets to judge anyone else. I just don't want you to get hurt Lyza, I care." Anna said. " How about you and I go whip up something for breakfast and put this behind us?"

"I'd like that." Lyza said and the two left for the kitchen.

Back in the halls Nicki and Imani found something they knew they would enjoy.

" Imani, I think this is it." Nicki said as she held a door open to a small room with a couch and not much else, except for a filing cabinet.

" I think you're correct." Imani said. " Now we just have to label it. There's gotta be some paper or something in there."

Nicki pulled open one of the drawers and sure enough, a bunch of paper. On top of it was a little organizer that had pens and tape.

" Perfect." Nicki said. " Should we label it as our room, or just write " Aye we're fucking in here." ?" She said laughing.

" I'm kind of a fan of that, it's straight to the point." Imani said.

" Oh it's definitely not straight." Nicki slyly as she pulled Imani in by her waist and kissed her.

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