Chapter 8

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A couple days later. The girls had been there about a week now. They were all doing their own things in their own rooms.

Imani and Nicki were taking a nap. Alissa and Copper were telling each other funny stories in their past, and Ryanne was cooking dinner with Anna. Lyza on the other hand was breaking down. She felt so tired, and overwhelmed, and scared, and just about any other negative emotion you could think of.

She decided she needed to feel better no matter what, so when the girls all went for dinner she pretended to be asleep and once she heard them all in the main room, she snuck out of her room and went into the kitchen where the " contraband" bag was. She wasn't supposed to know it was there but she found out accidentally.

Lyza climbed onto the table to reach the bag and unzipped it. Inside she found sharp kitchen knives, a bottle of scotch, and pills. Lots of them. She looked through them and picked out some heavy pain pills, probably belonging to someone with chronic illness. She popped some, not too much, just enough for her to feel better, before putting the bag back and going back in her room. She lay on her makeshift bed and let the feelings slowly subside. She lie there for maybe half an hour before she heard a knock on her door. She pretended to be asleep but her door was opened anyway. It was Anna, with a plate of food.

" Lyza." Anna whispered.

Lyza pretended to wake up.

" What's up?" She asked trying to hide her euphoric mood.

" I brought you dinner." Anna said handing Lyza a plate.

" Oh thanks." Lyza said laughing a little.

" Are you okay?" Anna asked suspiciously.

" Of course." Lyza said unconvincingly.

" Lyza. Please tell me you aren't high." Anna said nervously.

Lyza didn't say a thing.

" Well I guess that's my answer. Lyza, why didn't you come to me about this? I could've helped you." Anna said.

Lyza's face changed and sunk into a shameful expression.

" I'm sorry Anna. I just, I had to." Lyza said.

" It's okay Lyza. I'm not mad at you. I'm just really worried. How much did you take and of what?" Anna asked.

" I don't know exactly, but not too much, I promise." Lyza said.

" Okay. Okay. You try and fall asleep okay, and I'm gonna sit here with you until you do, just sleep this off." Anna said.

Lyza did as asked and eventually drifted to sleep after a while.

Anna left and made conversation with the other girls until they all eventually went to bed.

Once they were all gone Anna began to pace the room in a panic. She started to have a panic attack and slumped against the wall trying to catch her breath. She couldn't and so she pulled out her phone. She dialed a number and held the phone to her ear while it rang.

" Hello." The voice answered.

" Please. I don't want to do this anymore. This isn't helping them or me like you told me it would. One of them may even be overdosing as we speak. I have no idea, I'm not a doctor. I don't know what to do here. Please call this off. Please, I'm begging you." Anna cried.

" Anna. You signed a contract. If you tell the girls or if they find out somehow that this isn't real, you'll regret it. I'm a powerful person and I know about your little sister. She needs the money from this for a kidney transplant, doesn't she. So stop being so selfish and play your part the way you were told to. Good bye." The voice said and hung up.

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