Prologue - The Fence

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(3rd Person POV)

(Y/n) was raised in an above-average household with a mother and a father.

She was being homeschooled by her tutor and enjoyed reading whatever book she could get her hands on.

It beat being taught random numbers that didn't even go together.

Of course, she appreciated not having to talk to other kids her age, but that meant she was left to her lonesome a majority of the time.

As an only child, things could feel empty pretty easily.

What didn't help was the growing tension between her parents.

She wasn't blind to it, she had even been a witness to the end of one of their fights once when she just wanted to get a cup of water.

If she wanted affection, she'd always have to wait for them to come to her.

She didn't resent her parents, she loved them just as much as the next kid.. but then why did she still feel this hole in her heart when she thought about them?


(Y/n) stared back at the dense forest in her backyard. A fence stood between her and the trees.

She'd seen a stray rabbit hop through the gaps lining the fence when she'd walked out to the backyard.

(Y/n) felt inclined to chase after it but began feeling conflicted.

What would happen if her parents found out? Would she get in trouble? Or.. would they even notice?

(Y/n) bit her lip, steeling her resolve as she slowly climbed the tall-ish fence, yelping in surprise once she'd fallen onto the other side.

She was now facing the back of her house.

(Y/n) looked behind her at the forest then back at her house.

She stood up, brushed any dirt off her, adjusted the overalls she wore, and slowly made her way into the forest.

Unknown to (Y/n), this would be the last time she'd see that fence.

A/N; Pray that I don't botch this up since I've never even played Dead by Daylight.

Extra A/N; Am I posting an entirely different story after not being active for 2-3 months? Yes, yes I am.

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