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MAD WOMAN | iii.
Rhode Island | 2025

In the comfort of their kitchen, Athena watches as Wanda takes a cake out of the oven and sets it down on the counter. She looks at her finished product with a proud smile as she holds her arms out, "Tada!"

Athena stares at the same cake and notices how it seemed to be uneven, and she was sure that the cake wasn't completely done. She smiles as she looks up at the proud expression on Wanda's face, "Wow, that is surely...something."

Wanda frowns at Athena's tone, "You hate it."

"No!" Athena says quickly, "I'm sure that it tastes great! Like a piece of crooked chocolatey heaven."

"I know when you're lying," Wanda says.

"Hey, you said that you wouldn't read my mind unless it was absolutely necessary and my opinion on a cake does not seem absolutely necessary," Athena insists.

"It is very important," Wanda tells her.

Athena smiles and shakes her head and Wanda grins as well as she leans against the kitchen counter, "So we've been married for five years."

"Has it been five years?" Athena asks, tilting her head coyly, "I swear I was single just yesterday."

"I can confirm that you were not," Wanda says with a smile, "And I was thinking we should take a vacation for year five. You and me and the boys. Maybe somewhere in outer space?"

Athena's brows furrow at the mention of space and then a smile settles on her lips, "Are you talking about Asgard?"

Wanda shrugs as she heads toward the pantry closet, "Am I?"

"Wanda do you want me to take you and the boys to Asgard?" Athena asks, lightly channeling her charm speak.

"Yes," Wanda answers before looking over her shoulder at Athena, "Not cool!"

"Neither was you reading my thoughts," Athena retorts, "And if you're looking for the frosting, it's not in the pantry."

Wanda closes the pantry door and looks at Athena confused, "Then where is it?"

There's a thundering of footsteps as their twins barrel down the stairs and run into the kitchen. Wanda glances over at Athena, silently asking if these were the frosting culprits and Athena simply gives her a smile.

"Hi mom," Tommy greets, "I see that you baked your cake."

"It looks marvelous," Billy says and Athena snorts at her son's answer.

"Thank you, Billy," Wanda says, "Now you two wouldn't happen to know where the frosting went, would you?"

"I have no idea what could have happened to your frosting," Tommy states as he looks at his brother, surprised by the revelation, "Billy were you aware of this?"

"No Tommy, I was not," Billy responds.

"You two are exceptional liars," Athena says with a small smile.

"Us?" Tommy asks, "Lie? We are good boys we'd never lie."

Wanda narrows her eyes playfully, "So you wouldn't mind if I read your minds then? Since you're good little boys."

"Okay, we ate it!" Billy confesses and Tommy looks over at his brother.

"Seriously dude?"

"She was going to find out!" Billy exclaims.

"Great, now we get bad cake and no frosting," Athena mutters, earning a laugh from Billy and Tommy. Wanda glares at her wife and sticks her hand into the cake before chucking it at Athena who gasps. Tommy and Billy's laughter comes to a halt as they look at their mother.

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