Your Arm Or His Life

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A/N: Hi! I'm Epta! Just a quick note before this story; Michael Afton and Y/N are both 16 in this story and Crying Child or Evan in this story is 8.
Now for people who don't know,
Y/N= your name
L/N= last name
H/C= hair color
H/L=hair length
S/T= skin tone
E/C= eye color
F/C= favorite color
If I think of anything else I'll let you know!

I was at my little cousin's birthday party. He was turning 9 and I was bored out of my mind. I grabbed my Walkman and put in my Def Leppard cassette tape. I plugged in my headphones and began listening to the band. I had my eyes closed listening when I hear a child shriek. I paused the music and looked up to see a teenager put a small kid into the jaws of Fredbear. I sprang into action immediately rushing to the stage and climbing onto the animatronic.

Michael's POV
A S/T girl around my age climbed onto Fredbear and shoved my crybaby brother's head out of the robot. I was about to yell at her for ruining the prank when the robot bit down on her arm. There was a sickening crunch and the girl cried out in pain. People who I assume were her family ran over. They had no doubt seen the whole ordeal. My father and Uncle Henry were running to help the girl out of Fredbear's mouth. Evan was crying on the ground. That's when the reality began to sink in.
'That could have been Evan!' I thought. My 'friends' had already ran out of the diner. Dad started to undo something within the suit and the jaw sprang open. The girl's right arm was completely smashed.
     'That could of been my brother's head!' I thought looking at his small frame. He had passed out due to all the shock. The girl was pale from blood loss but was somehow still awake. An ambulance had arrived and the girl along with my brother were taken to the hospital.
Time skip
     My brother and the girl were in stable condition so I decided to say sorry. I walked it Evan's room first. He was drinking apple juice and talking with the doctor.
"Evan? Can I talk with you?" I questioned in my most calming voice.
"I guess" he said avoiding eye contact.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. That could have been your head in Fredbear's mouth! If that girl hadn't come you might have died." I said hugging him.
"I told you that I didn't want to go near him." He said looking into my soul with his blue eyes.
"I know and I'm sorry, I should have listened." I said standing up. "I'm going to talk with the girl now." I said walking out of the room.
I walked the short distance to the girl's room. I knocked three times and heard a voice say for me to come in. The S/T girl was laying on the hospital bed. Something seemed off but I couldn't tell. That was until she spoke.
"Well, it was either my arm or his head." She said making me finally notice that her right arm had been amputated to the shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stuck my brother into that fucking robot's mouth anyways."
"Hey it's ok, don't blame yourself." She said with a sad smile. I sat on the foot of her bed. "Oh where are my manners!" She said to no one but herself. "I'm Y/N." She spoke.
"Michael." I said with a nod of my head. My dad and Uncle Henry walked into the room and introduced themselves.
"We're sorry that we have to meet under such an unfortunate situation but William and I have covered your medical bill and we're going to build you a prosthetic arm." Uncle Henry said unfolding a blueprint. I looked and saw what they had planned. It was pretty complex but nothing that Dad and Uncle couldn't handle.
"What color should it be?" Dad asked taking out a notepad.
"F/C." She responded. The nurse came into the room with a glass of water and told us that our visiting time was up. We walked out and her parents walked in. I heard her mom gasp. We walked to the parking lot. Uncle Henry got into his car and we my dad's purple car. I sat in the back next Evan.
Time skip because I don't want to write a car ride
Once we arrived home, I finished my nightly homework and helped Evan with his. My dad called me to his study which I had expected.
"Michael, you know how dangerous those animatronics are!" He scolded. "Why would you do that. You've already lost a sibling to an animatronic, why would you try to kill the other?" He asked me, tears welling up in his unnaturally purple eyes.
"I'm sorry dad it was supposed to be just a prank." I said looking down.
"Maybe so but you have to be more careful. That girl got her arm crushed saving your brother's head. I want you to help her whenever you get the chance." I nodded and walked back to my room. I grabbed a can of hairspray from the bathroom and a cigarette lighter from the living room. It was around 7:30 so I suspected that Evan was in his room.
     "Hey Evan?" I called out holding up the Foxy mask with a smirk. He looked scared out of his mind. "Do you want to burn this mask with me?" His face instantly lit up. He stood up and we ran to the backyard. "HEY DAD!!I'M GOING TO BURN THE FOXY MASK!!!" I yelled as I sat the mask on the ground.
     "Ok Michael don't hurt your brother!" He yelled from the kitchen. I aimed the can of hairspray at the mask, lit the cigarette lighter and sprayed the hairspray. The fumes from the hairspray caught on fire and produced a makeshift flamethrower. Evan cheered in the background as the mask was burned to a pile of melted plastic. I stopped the spray and we went back inside. I was still wondering, why did Y/N risk her arm?
Bc she's a decent person

Your Arm Or His Life Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now