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I woke up in a room that wasn't my own. I was frantically looking around until I remembered that I was sleeping over at Mike's. I got off the mat and saw that he was still asleep. I checked the alarm clock and saw that it was 10 am. I stretched and walked to see if Evan was awake. He was. I sat next to him and asked what he was doing.

"I'm talking with Psychic Friend Fredbear!" He said pointing to the plush.
"Ok, Hello Psychic Friend Fredbear!"
"Why hello dear Y/N." The plush spoke.
"Psychic Friend Fredbear has psychic in his name for a reason!" Evan said.
"Young Y/N, what has William done to you." Psychic said.
"What do you mean Psychic?" Evan said.
"The man gave this child shadow remnant."
"That's what that was?" I asked brushing my hand on the dark lines.
"It's surprising that she hasn't died yet." Psychic said
"Cool." I said. "Does that mean I'll get like, superpowers or something?" I joked.
"Do you even realize how dangerous this situation is?!" Psychic said, raising his voice.
     "No not nessessarally." I shrugged
     "Evan, can you please leave the room?" Evan nodded and left.

"Look Y/N, William is a dangerous man. He's killed before and will do it again. In fact, I'm one of his victims possessing this camera toy. William uses this plush to spy on his youngest."
"Now I have this beautiful thing called ✨blackmail✨"
"Hehe." He laughed
     "Can Evan come back in?" I asked.
     "Yes, he can come back."
     "HEY EVAN! YOU CAN COME BACK IN!" I shouted. Evan walked back in.
     "Hey! What did I miss?" Evan asked.
     "Not much."
     "Ok" He sat down and hugged the plush.
     "KIDS! BREAKFAST!!!" William yelled. I walked to Mike's room to see him awake. He helped me get the prosthetic on and then we walked to the kitchen. Evan was already there at his seat. William seemed confused by my presence, probably expecting me to be dead. He gave me a plate of beans and toast and made a piece of normal toast for himself. William also poured fresh hot tea for everyone.

     "So, how did you sleep last night dad?" Mike asked.
     "Pretty well son." William said, taking a bite of his dry toast. I took a bite of the classic British breakfast and  a sip of tea. We soon finished our meals and went to the living room. William left the house to take Evan to Soccer Practice. It was just Mike and I. I was awkwardly sitting on the floor of Mike's room and he his bed.

     "Hey Y/N?" Mike broke the silence.
     "Yes Mike?"
     "Can I have a look at the prosthetic?" I stood. He instructed me to sit across from him so he could see it better. I did as he asked. He told me to lay the arm out in front of him. I did so. He inspected the entire thing and found a hatch on the back of it. He opened it and inspected the wiring and all the servos and what not. I was never really into tech stuff. After a few minutes of messing around with the arm, he popped the hatch back in place. "Do you want to hang out at your place?"

     "Sure." I said, standing up. We walked to Mike's truck after gathering my stuff. I hopped in the driver's seat. "I'm driving!" I said. After some protest from Mike, we were off. We arrived at my house 5 minutes later. I got out of the truck and got my stuff. We walked to the door. We walked inside the house. "Mom! I'm home!" I yelled.
     "We're in the kitchen sweetie!" Mom yelled. Mike and I walked to the kitchen. "I see the prosthetic is finished!" Mom said.
     "Hi Mrs. L/N." Mike said.
"Hello Michael! Would you like a glass of tea?"
"Yes please." Mom nodded and poured him a glass of sweet tea. He accepted and we walked to my room upstairs.

"Not to be rude but the tea is cold." Mike said.
"It's supposed to be cold dumbass!"
"Is this some American thing?"
"Duh! Sweet iced tea!" I smacked the back of his British head.
"OWW!" He yelled.
"Just drink the sweet tea!" He nodded sat down on the F/C rug. He drank the tea and set the glass down.
     "AAAA it's so sweet." Mike said
     "Duh. What part of sweet tea is not understood?" I said. Mike laughed and started looking through my bookshelf. He pulled out The Works Of Edgar Allen Poe.
     "What's this?" He asked.
     "The Works Of Edgar Allen Poe. I recommend 'The Tell-Tale Heart'" I said. "Page 542" I followed up from memory. He flipped to that page and began reading. While he was doing that, I powered up my Atari and loaded up Pac-Man. I got to level 5 by the time Mike finished  the story. He seemed a little shaken up. Not too much though.

Your Arm Or His Life Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now