Universe 1 2.0

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C: Alright ladies and gentlemen it's time for the first universe

All: Alright

The Screen Brightens to show Deku in nothing but underwear on the beach

Most of the Girls blush at seeing Midoriya in such a fashion

Iida: Midoriya I must reprimand you for dressing so carelessly, is that how a hero would dress

Midoriya: Sorry Iida but remember that's a different version

Everyone was ready to start watching again as Momo was having UnChrist-Like thoughts

Midoriya: H-Huh where am I

???: Hello Midoriya

Midoriya: Principal Nezu

Eri: Almighty Rat Man is the person behind this

Midoriya: Eri who taught you that

Eri: Almighty Rat Man

Nezu: And you can't do anything to stop me, next stop to rule the world

Nezu: Yes it is me Midoriya, I have the entire rest of the class here with me now and we are going to test you

Midoriya: *embarressed* Test me how

Nezu: We are going to your survivability and adaptability to new, unfamiliar, hostile environments without quirks so you ha to use you head

Midoriya: That sound dangerous but I kinda like it

Momo: Don't worry baby it'll be fine

Everyone: Baby

Mina: Momo are you dating Midoriya

Momo: N-no (but I wish I could)

Nezu: Anyways we set it up like a video game where you have to craft, tame, and defeat the boss to get out

Midoriya: B-but what if I die

Nezu: Don't worry about that Midoriya if you die in the simulation you will be pulled out also, it was what those kids called "Hardcore Mode"

Midoriya: Also you said tame, what do you mean by that

Nezu: Oh there's also dinosaurs and different biomes you have to survive

Everyone: Dinosaurs!!!!

Midoriya: I thought they went extinct millions of years ago

Nezu: They did Mr. Midoriya, I guess this is what my counterpart meant by unfamiliar

The Screen faded to black as it only showed three words

To be continued

Denki: Cmon man I was just getting into it

C: Sorry the machine is starting to overheat a bit

Hey guys General here, I have no excuse for abandoning y'all like I did other than I was lazy but I'm trying to improve myself so I'll start writing more for y'all's entertainment and as a way for me to get restful sleep as these ideas kept lingering in the back of my mind. Anyways for those who've stuck around since my very beginning I want to thank you. As a reward I wanna ask what y'all want to see as the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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