sangwon x aera & co

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y/n POV

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y/n POV

i woke up, wondering when i felt asleep, i the last thing i remember is being on JJ's back. i took my phone from. i saw i had a message from sung-ho, but it was already opened. did i open it? it doesn't matter. i need to talk to aera.

she went to see a friend that lives here in LA and slept at that friend place. so i couldn't tell her.

aera: i'm back!

y/n: i have to tell you something

aera: well first how did your date with JJ go?

y/n: great actually!

aera: well you're going to be happy!

y/n: what?

aera: i got closer to sangwon and it actually went well

y/n: how? i want know!

aera: well ~

aera POV

they are so cute together i hope their date goes well, i need to get ready now as well. i made my way the the bathroom and did what i had to do, before wearing my outfit. i put on light makeup and styled my hair.

knock knock

i open the door and sangwon was standing in front of me.

aera: hey, you need something?

sangwon: nope, i- it's just that i'm planning on going out and none of the other boys want to hangout with me, i was wondering if you would want to. however, i think you're going somewhere.

aera: yes.. i'm really sorry i would've really liked going

sangwon: it's okay *smiles* i could bring you there, you never know

aera: i would like that! let me get my things

i went back in the room and took a few stuff and went back out after locking the door. we decided to go but car, the one they reserved for this trip, he went into the driving seat and i went to the passengers.

sangwon: so you always stayed in Japan?

aera: yea, almost my whole life! however, a part of me is happy and truly grateful for that.

sangwon: may i ask why?

aera: didn't think anyone would be interested *laugh* i know a lot about where i came from you know, the culture, traditions, how to speak Japanese. i was born in Canada.

sangwon: really?

aera: my grandparents immigrated there, when my parents were kids, not together obviously. my parents lived there for a long time, they met each other fell in love with another, got pregnant with me.

sangwon: so they decided to come back to Japan later on

aera: well, before i was born my grandparents for both side decide to go back to Japan. when i was a few months old, we also left, because my grandmother got very sick.

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