Chapter 10: Joeys Love

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Joey was about to lose his temper, he banged on Gavin's door and yelled through the door "GAVIN, YOU BASTARD, GET UP AND OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!!!!!!!!" Me and Riley were looking horrified as Joey repeatedly banged on the door. I didn't think someone this small could have such anger. Mrs. Layne opened the door, Joey pushed past her and me and Riley apologized "I'm so sorry Mrs. Layne, Joey is in a really bad mood" "oh, well as long as he's with you, it's ok" she replied back and we hurriedly follow Joey upstairs. We had reached Gavin's room and it was closed, Joey banged on it hard and shouted "GAVIN, GET YOUR ASS UP AND OPEN THIS DOOR" I was scared of what Joey was going to do to Gavin, I hated Gavin, but not enough to kill him. Gavin opened the door and looked at me, he had dried up tears on his face, he didn't even notice Joey in front of him and that made Joey even more angry. "HEY! IM DOWN HERE YOU IDIOT!!!!" Joey yelled in Gavin face, well kind of chest. "Oh, pipsqueak, I didn't see you there" Gavin said breaking eye contact with me and staring down at Joey. "WHO YOU CALLING PIPSQUEAK, BASTARD!!!" Joey shouted again, "YOU HURT MY BABY, AND IM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR IT!!!!" He pushed Gavin to the ground, wow surprising. Joey kept calling me his "baby" even tho he's never asked me out on a date, Joey sat on Gavin's chest and began punching him left and right. I was horrified and I started to cry, Riley was freaked out and just tried to come me down. "stop Joey" I said, he didn't stop, "stop Joey!" I said a little louder, he still didn't stop. By then, Gavin's mom had come up to see what was happening and tears welled up in her eyes. "STOP JOEY!!!!!!!" I screamed and he finally looked back at me, and he began to cry. He got up off of, the now unconscious, Gavin and ran into my arms, I hugged him and we both cried, Riley embraced us in her arms and had a sad look in her eyes. "I..I..I'm so..sorry Jazzi-chan" Joey stuttered, "I just wanted to protect the person I love, I love you Jazzi-chan, I didn't mean to beat the crap out of him! Really, I didn't! I just wanted to show my affection... I'm really sorry, Jazzi-chan" he finished and hugged me tighter.

The next day, Gavin didn't show up at school, he's probably in the hospital, since he lost consciousness and all. As we walked into history, Joey looked depressed "are you ok, Joey?" I asked worriedly, "I'm fine, just a little upset from yesterday" he replied back. I hugged him tightly, and said "its ok, I'm never taking to Gavin again" he gave me a slight smile and hugged me back. Then had a determined look on his face, as if he really wants to and needs to get something done, he turns to me and smiles that cute grin of his and asks "Jazzi-chan, will you go on a date with me?" He blushed, I blush too and hug him again "yes, I'd love to go on a date with you!" I answered excitedly.

It's finally at the end of the week, Saturday, and I'm about to go on a date with Joey. Gavin hasn't been to school all week, but I don't care, he does not deserve to be cared for. I put on the baby blue dress I wore to.........Gavin' As I looked at it, it made me sad, 'it's ok Jazzilyn, its ok,' I thought, 'your going on a date with Joey, your supposed to be happy' I tried to wipe it out of my memory and put on my dress, my make up and head out the door to Joeys house.

I'm at his house and he had just come out of it. He was in a tuxedo, he looked very cute. "My lady" he said as he took my hand and took me to his car, we drove to Olive Garden. When we got there, we walked in holding hands, he pulled my chair out as I sat down. "Jazzi-chan" he said to me, taking my hand in his, "I love you, and I want to you to be with me forever, I love you" I blushed so dark, my face was a tomato. We ordered our drinks and food, we talked an awful lot about our pasts, and then we finally got our food and enjoyed the meal.

We were back at my house, we got out of the car and he lead me my door. This feels really familiar, and depressing. He pulled one of the porch chairs and told me to sit, he looked into my eyes and leaned closer to where our noses were touching. He then pushed his lips onto mine and was kissing me, I kissed him back, but then let go, thinking of when Gavin kissed me in the exact same spot. "bye Joey, I'll see you Monday" I said as I put the porch chair back and went inside my house. I looked out the window and saw his face fill with sadness. I liked him, I really did. But it didn't feel right. Not without Gavin...

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