30 ~ The Truth p.1

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*Abigail's POV*

"So, Selene used to be your best friend?" I asked John while taking a bite of my sandwich.

John had decided to go to Subway after work. I mean how could I possibly say no. Plus, he would be the one paying so...

"Yes, then she betrayed me. So, we're not anymore," he replied.

I've been bothering John about Selene for 3 days straight now. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or not. Most of the time John's face was emotionless.

John had told me that Selene was one of his best friends, about a year ago. I guess, he had told Selene and a secret and she spread it all over the neighborhood. After, John confronted her and Selene felt guilty. So, she moved after a month it happened.

I couldn't tell if John was lying or not. I could tell he was a little touchy about the subject though.

"So are you planning anything tonight?" he asked obviously wanting to change the subject.

I shook my head side to side. "Nope," I said popping the "p".

"Well there's a party tonight. And literally everybody is going. So..." he said.

I don't know if I was ready to be partying. Especially since I'm positive Tyler would be there. Oh, Tyler. The one that could change my mood with just one smile.

I'm positive now. I, Abigail Parker, am in love with Tyler Green. It took me a while to realize this. Even though it was probably obvious. The problem was that "us" could never ever happen. Especially with our situation right now. We're both ignoring each other. And it feels like there's nothing I can do.

"I was wondering if you would wanna go with me?" John asked. I had totally forgot he was there. Why is it whenever I'm with a guy I'm thinking of Tyler.

Oh gosh, here we go again with the Tyler.

"Yea, that sounds great," I said not realizing what I had just said.

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 8:00?" he asked.

"Yea, 8:00 sounds good."


"I feel like a slut," I said pulling my dress down.

"You look great! Trust me," Briana said smiling. Lindsey was giggling behind me, which made me flip her off.

"She's telling the truth. You look beautiful," Lindsey agreed.

I take a look at myself in the mirror. I had my brown hair straightened. So it was up to my butt. Ya... I needed a trim.

I was wearing a black, short dress. Well it wasn't too short, but it seemed really short. My make-up seemed a little too much too. Ugh.

"You're thinking too much Abby Cakes," Lindsey sighed.

"You know Tyler's going to be there," Briana pointed out.

"Yes. Yes, I know," I groaned. "I really don't want to go."

"Well, too bad. You already said "yes" to John," Briana snapped.

"What's the whole big deal about this John anyway? He seems like a really nice guy," Lindsey stated.

Briana shook her head, "Seems."

"He's changed ok?" I blurted out. That's when I heard the doorbell ring.

I quickly grabbed my phone and purse and ran downstairs. I found Ryan standing in front of the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here John?" Ryan barked at John.

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