10 ~ Where Dreams Come True

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We are finally going to Disneyworld. Since there were a lot of parks we only went to one. We decided to go to Magic Kingdom. I had to wake up early, around 5:30, so I had 2 hours to get ready. I had to shave and take a shower. I also decided to straighten my long, brown hair. It took about 30 minutes. Tyler was the one driving us there, so he thought of just sleeping here with the rest of us. I picked out my clothes last night. A white, crop top with Mickey Mouse on it and some high waist jean shorts.

Surprisingly I finished early. I realized I was hungry so I heades downstairs to get something. When I reach the end of the hall I bump into Briana.

"Opps, sorry I didn't see you there!" I said grabbing her both of her arms.

"It's fine," she laughs. "You seem in a hurry."

"Ya, I was just going to get breakfast before we leave," I said smiling and she nods.

"If you can, can you get me a muffin?"

"Of course," I say as I start running down the long flight of stairs. I really had no idea why I was running. I must really be hungry. I head down the hall and into the dining room. I then start sprinting to the kitchen. I opened the door and head to the refrigerator. I open it and decided to eat pizza. I warmed it up and started chomping it down.

"Are you gonna save me some?" a familiar voice said, from behind me. I turn to see Tyler.

"Of course not," I say laughing. He shakes his head in disappointment. "Why aren't you dressed?"

"Oh well...I just woke up," he said smirking.

"Seriously? We're gonna be late!" I say screaming. I put down my pizza and give him my death stare. He can't be serious. He knows how excited I've been and now we are going be late because of his lazy ass. He approaches me with a wide smile on his face. His dimples were showing and I couldn't help, but smile. I mean guys with dimples are cute even hot. He then takes the last pizza on the plate and stuffs it in his mouth. My jaw drops and I slap him on the chest.

"Seriously? That was mine," I say in an angry tone. Unfortunatley, I can't be serious with Tyler, so I start laughing.

"You know....you have a cute laugh, even if it sounds like a dying chicken," he says laughing louder than expected.

"Jerk," I say as I punch his on the shoulder.

"Miss Parker! That hurt!" he said in a feminine voice.

"You deserved it Mr. Green," I say squinting at him, which makes him laugh.

"Well I should get ready," he says and I nod in response. He waves bye and leaves. I then feel alone. Like something was missing. It was fun having Tyler around. We have gotten really close these couple of days. We always hanging out. I kinda felt I was taking him away from Ryan.

The door opens again and my heart starts racing. I was gonna say something but when I saw the person's face I didn't.

"Thanks for getting my muffin Abby," Briana laughs.

"Oh sorry, I forgot," I said. I'm so stupid sometimes, I swear.

Surprisingly Tyler finishes in less than 30 minutes. I wasn't shocked, I mean he was a guy. They always seem to do things faster than girls. He wore a white t-shirt as always and some basketball shorts. We left exactly at 7:30. The drive was only 20 minutes so we were there before the park even opened. Once we got our bags checked at the entance, I took my camera out. I started taking pictures of everything I saw.

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