16 ~ Welcome to Florida, Sam

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I open the door to see a pair of green eyes staring at me. He was a lot taller than me, but Tyler was taller. His brown hair was still spiked up like always. I could feel my tears wanting to jump out of my eyes. It has been about 3 weeks since I've last seen him. Finally he was here.

"Sam," I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck. It took him a few seconds to hug me back. I bet he was as shocked as I was.

"Abby," he said holding me tighter. "I've missed you so much," he whispered. His breathe was warm against my ear.

"I've missed you too," I said. I couldn't help, but cry. He was here. I know it hasn't been too long but it feels like it's been years. He pulled away looking at my face.

"I see you've gotten more beautiful," he said smirking. I couldn't help but blush.

"I need you to met some people," I said taking his hand. Our hands automatically intertwined, which made me blush even more.


"Sam, this is my Aunt Jenny and Uncle Bryan," I said to Sam.

"Aunt Jenny, Uncle Bryan, this is my boyfriend, Sam," I told my them.

"Nice to meet you, Sam. You are welcome to stay here for how ever long you need to stay," Aunt Jenny said giggling.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Thompson," Sam said smiling.

"Oh sweetie, call me Jenny," she said laughing and Sam nods. We were just heading out when Uncle Bryan called for Sam.

"You better take care of baby Abigail. Trust me she's one of a kind," his words made me blush.

"Don't worry," Sam said smiling.

We then started heading upstairs. He was holding my hand the whole time. I was happy he was here. Oh, but Tyler. I'm pretty sure they'll get along. I mean I'm pretty sure Tyler didn't like me, so there was nothing to worry about.

"This house is huge," he said looking around.

"Ya, it is. Oh, here's my room," I said opening the door.

"You've obviously met Lindsey," I said to Sam. Sam gave her a friendly smile but Lindsey just ignored him. What's up with her?

"Briana, this is Sam my boyfriend," I told her.

"Ooooo the famous Sam that Abigail's been talking about," she said smirking. I never really talk about Sam. If anything I talk about Tyler a lot but Sam laughed in response.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I said grabbing his hand and rushing him towards Ryan's room.

"Hey.... Tyler?" I said. I didn't know he was here. All I could do was stare at him.

"Shocked to see me?" Tyler said smirking. I couldn't help but blush. I quickly pull Sam inside so he was visible to them.

"Ryan, Tyler, this is Sam....my boyfriend," I said. I was pretty sure my voice just cracked.

"Sam, That's Ryan and Tyler," I said pointing at them. I took a look at Ryan who didn't really care because he was playing XBox. Tyler on the other hand was looking at Sam. He studied him, I couldn't tell what he was thinking because his face was emotionless.

"Ummm...you guys seem busy. I'll leave you two alone," I said closing the door.

"Well that was awkward," Sam said scratching the back of his head.

"Ya, wanna go out?" I ask him.

"Aren't I suppose to be asking you?" he said smirking.

"Yes, but too bad. I asked first." I said smirking.

"Well let me unpack first," he said winking at me.

*Tyler's POV*

"Did you see that guy?" I asked Ryan. He didn't answer. Obviously too concentrated on his game.

"Ryan! I'm asking you a question!" I screamed. Hopefully Abigail didn't hear me.

"Calm your tits dude," Ryan said pausing his game.

"Did you see that guy?" I asked again.

"Abigail's boyfriend? Yes... are you jealous?" he said smirking.

"Why the fuck would I be jealous?" I said, well screamed.

"Dude, calm I was just asking," he said putting his hands up in the air.

"We should go check on them," I said standing up from the bed.

"You can check," he said staring his game of Black Ops 2. I ignored him and exited the room.

One thing that was bothering me was that they were holding hands. Was she doing that on purpose to make me jealous? Cause it was damn working. I never get jealous but when if comes to Abigail it's different.

Second thing was his face. He was ugly as fuck. His hair was filled with gel. Like who uses gel now a days? And his outfit! Dear lord where do I start with that.

After looking for Abigail and FuckFace I decided to check her room. I open it to see Briana and Lindsey.

"Hey hottie!" Lindsey said laughing.

"Hey, Ummm where's Abigail?" I asked scratching the back of neck. This was a bad idea. I shouldn't show I care. Man, I was stupid.

"Oooooo someone's jealous," Lindsey said smirking.

"She went on a date with Sam," Briana said smirking too.

"Fuck you two," I said closing it.

They were on a date, already? Goodness even his name pisses me off. Sam. Sam. SAM. Man Ive been really messed up ever since I've met her. Thank you Abigail. I couldn't help but smile. Oh god what am I doing!

*Abigail's POV*

Was it weird the whole time I was thinking of Tyler? To say I thought if Sam came back Tyler would just disappear from my mind. But noooo. Ugh, stupid Tyler.

"Are you okay babe?" Sam asked grabbing my hand.

"Yes, it's just I've missed you," I lied.

"I've missed you too Abby," he said kissing me on the cheek. We had just exited the Chinese restaurant. We decided to take a walk outside. We stayed silent for a while though till I broke it.

"Where were you?" I asked him breaking the silence.

"Oh, about that. I was visiting my Grandma in California," he said.

"I thought she lived in Arizona?" I asked.

"I'm talking about my other Grandma," he said stopping to look at me. He was lying. He other Grandma was dead. Dead. I went to her funeral. Unless, he had another Grandma but that's impossible, right? Why was he lying to me?

"Can you just stop worrying," he said grabbing me on both of my shoulders.

"Sorry," I said hugging him. I then pulled away and crashed my lips on his. It's been a while since we've kissed. It felt different though. Like it wasn't Sam I was kissing. Maybe I was just tired.

"I love you, Sam," I said, meaning it.

"I love you too, Abby," he said pecking me on the lips once more.

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