22 ~ Surprise

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I woke up to a snoring Tyler. I also wake up with our hands intertwined, which makes me smile. I move closer to him and embrace his smell. He smelled amazing, like there were no words to describe it. I tilted my head up to take a look at his face. His eyelashes were long and had a natural curl to them. His hair was messy, his curls were all over the place, but it still looked perfect. I smile and dig my head on his bare chest. That's when I felt him move. He started brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Goodmorning beautiful," he said. Can I just say his morning voice just made my heart melt.

"Morning ugly," I said back, which makes him laugh.

I gently push my head away from his chest, so I could see his face. His dimples were deep and he was grinning, which made me blush. He slowly moved his hand toward my face to brush the hair out of my eyes. I couldn't help but blush even more, which made him smile even more.

"You know, you snore extremely loud...I hope you know that," he teased me. I laughed at his comment.

"Excuse me? I should be the one telling you that," I said smiling and wishing I had a dimple like him.

"Get ready, I have something planned today," he said smirking.

"You're doing that face again," I said pushing him away from me, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I thought you loved that face?" he smirked, making that face again.

"I never said that," I giggled. "You know...this is kinda awkward?" I told him.

We were really close and he didn't even have a shirt on. We were acting more like a couple than friends. Which is what we were. I couldn't imagine us more than that. It was just impossible and weird at the same time.

"Well I don't feel awkward at all," he said grinning not smirking.

"Whatever," I said pushing him again. "I'm going to get ready now."

"Hurry up," he said and I was off to the bathroom.

*In The Car*

We have been driving for hours. Well it felt like it. I've been asking Tyler where were we going, but he would not answer me. He would just turn the radio up and sing even louder. I mean, I do not have a problem with him singing. He was a great singer, it would be cool if someday we made a song together. Oh my, I am thinking of the impossible again.

"Are we there yet?" I asked him while turning down the volume of the music.

The song that playing was "Animals" by Maroon 5. I loved that song, but it can wait.

"We're almost there. I promise," he said turning his head to face me.

"Keep your eyes on the road Mr. Green," I said gently pushing his face toward the road.

"Sorry, Miss Bossy Boobs," he said laughing.

"What the hell did you just call me?" I playfully screamed at him.

Did he just call me "Bossy Boobs"? Where in the hell did he come up with that!

"Well I've been coming up with nicknames for all the people I know. Like Sam's name is "Fuckface"," he said holding one hand up to show quotation marks.

Fuckface? Oh my goodness. I swear Tyler is one of the most craziest people I know. With that I started cracking up about Sam's nickname.

"What? I'm being honest ok?" he said laughing with me, but keeping his eyes on the road.

"I didn't say anything. I'm actually agreeing with you," I said cracking up even more.

Tyler just knew how to make me laugh, but then again I can't ever be serious with him. After a few moments of silence he hands me a sock.

"What's this for?" I asked him with confusion.

"Use it as a blindfold," he said dropping the sock on my lap.

"Why?" I asked. I mean it's not this place is going to be that special right? Right?

"Please," he begged and I of course obeyed him. I took the sock and wrapped it around my head to cover my eyes.

"Eww this stinks!" I screamed pinching my nose to avoid smelling the rachet thing.

"How? I haven't used it....Or did I?" he asked himself and laughed.

"Not funny. It seriously stinks. Like rotten eggs and Ryan's poop," I said pouting.

"Ryan's poop?!" he screamed laughing even louder. "Well, we're here. Let me open the door for you," he said as he opens the door and walks to my door. I stepped out stepping on something. His foot.

"Opps, sorry," I said putting my hand on his chest. Well I hope it was his chest.

"It's fine," he quietly laughed.

He was taking me somewhere, well obviously I didn't know. We were obviously outside though, for I could feel the wind blowing my hair and on my face. I tripped a couple of times too. I hope he didn't notice.

"We're here, take off your blindfold," he said.

I take the stinky sock off my eyes and see the cutest thing I've ever seen. There was a picnic set up on the wooden table. There were roses and a box which I was sure was filled with food. There was also a box, a small one. Tyler slowly walks to get it.

"Early birthday present," he smiled handing it to me.

"Tyler...you didn't have too," I said taking the box.

"But, I wanted too so..." he smiled once again.

I shook my head from side to side and openef the tiny, white box. Inside a necklace with my name on it, "Abigail". I felt tears wanting to spill out of my eyes.

"Tyler, it's beautiful," I said coving my mouth in shock.

"Not as beautiful as you though," he said smirking and I couldn't help myself, but I punched him.

"Ouch," he said rubbing his shoulder.

"How'd did you plan all of this?" I said changing the subject.

"Lets sit down and eat while we talk about this, cause I'm starving!" he said rubbing his stomach.

*Thank you all for 1k read and 50 votes! Like I still can't believe it. Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter!*

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