4 ~ Fancy Welcome Dinner

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After crying for what felt like hours, I finally was able to fall asleep. At around 6:00, I woke up and began getting ready for the dinner. I laid out my outfit for the night on my bed.

I decided to wear black leggings and a ruffle white top. I freshened my make-up from that morning. My eyeliner was smeared all around my eyes.. I even had some on my chin for some reason.


I straightened my brown hair then split it down the middle. After I took two bobby pins and pinned my hair back. As soon as I got done, I noticed my phone vibrating. I walked over to take a look at the caller ID, Mom.

I quickly picked up. I had no idea what to say but I did anyway, There was a long pause, before any of us answered.

"Hello? Abigail?"

"Hey Mom," I mumbled.

"How are sweetie? How was the flight? How's it going at the house? Did you talk to your aunt yet?" my Mom rambled. She resumed by shooting me with even more questions.

"Mom," I said. "Im fine, everything is fine."

"That's good. Sorry...I was a little worried. You know me," she laughed. "So, what are you up to?"

"Well, Aunt Jenny invited me to eat out with the whole family for a 'welcome' dinner."

"That sounds nice, great even. I hope you have a great time honey. Me and your dad miss you already. We can't wait to see you!" my Mom chirped.

"I miss you guys too and trust me I can't wait either," I smiled, whispering the last part.

"Good, well have fun sweetie. Talk to you soon."

"Thank you and okay," I said.

I hung up and put my blouse on. After, I packed my purse and headed downstairs.


"I thought this was going to be a family thing?" I asked Briana.

We were currently getting out of the car to head inside the restaurant. Supposedly it was one of the best in town. Luckily, I was hungry so even if their food tasted awful I would still eat.

"Yes, it is. It's just Tyler is like family to us. We've known him for like forever." Briana explained.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. That's when Tyler approached us from behind and said, "I heard my name!"

Briana started laughing, "We didn't say your name."

He gave me a wink and a smirk. I rolled my eyes again and turned away. Tyler then walked passed us to catch up with Ryan.

As soon as we got inside my eyes immediately widened or grew. It was probably the most fanciest restaurant I've ever seen. Pretty much everything was glass, including the walls. Also, everyone looked so professional. My face quickly reddened because of the clothes I was currently wearing. I mean they could have told me the place would have people wearing formal clothing.

"How many?" the waiter asked us.

"We already reserved. Jenny Johnson." my Aunt replied.

The waiter wrote something down and lead us to our table. We sat down at a rounded table. Briana was on my right and unfortunately, Tyler was on my left.

To distract myself from him, I took out my phone. The first thing I saw was a text from Lindsey.

"HEYO BESTIE!!! How's Florida going? Great I'm sure, I mean you're in freaking Miami, Florida. If you were wondering about what's going on here, well there's one word to describe it . IT'S BORING!!!! B O R I N G!!! I MISS YOU!!!"

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