17 ~ The Duet

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"Hey, wake up!" I said shaking Sam.

"What?" he moaned. He had slept with me last night, which I'm totally fine with.

"Can you jog with me? Please," I begged him.

"Ok, on one condition," he said smirking.

"And what's that?" I ask him while I brush through his hair with my hand.

"Kiss me," he said. Man his morning voice was just so....Damn.

"No! Morning breath remember?" I said pushing him.

"I don't care. If you don't kiss me I won't get up," he said turning away from me.

"Fine," I said. He turned to face me and I gave him a small and quick kiss.

"See? That wasn't that hard," he said as he gets up to get dressed while I do the same.


"Slow down Abby! You're too fast!" Sam screamed from behind me. He was about 200 feet away. So, I decide to slow down so he could catch up. "Goodness you're fast!" Sam said smiling and I giggled in response.

"Hey! Abigail!" I hear someone scream. I turn my head to see Tyler. My heart slowly starts pounding. Why does this always happen when I'm near him?

He quickly catches up. "Hey Abigail! Ummm... do you mind if I run with you guys?" Tyler asked.

"Yes," Sam answered. I turn to look at him. He seemed irritated that Tyler was here.

"What he really means is no," I tell Tyler smiling.

"That's good," Tyler said smirking. I really didn't mind if Tyler jogged with us. It's not like me and Tyler had a thing.

"So Abs, you planning to go to the beach party tonight?" Tyler asked a few minutes later.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure," I said.

"Ya, and you're going with me," Sam said in a possessive tone. What was up with him? Was he jealous?

"That's cool, as long as you're going," Tyler said winking. "I'll catch up with you guys later. See you guys tonight!" he said turning around towards his house.

"Abs?" Sam asked me grabbing my arm a little too hard.

"Ya? That's his nickname for me," I said turning my face away from his.

"I don't like him. You should stay away from him," he said letting go of my arm.

"You can't tell me what to do Sam," I said.

"I'm just helping you," he said. Helping me? How?

We didn't talk for the rest of the run. When we get back to the house we ate and watched some TV. Around 6:00 we started getting ready for the party.

*Beach Party*

We decided to carpool with Ryan, Briana, and Lindsey. Ryan and Lindsey were in the front while the rest of us were in the back.

"What do you guys wanna do first?" Briana asked getting out of the car.

"Eat!" Lindsey and Ryan said in unison which made them blush like crazy. They were cute together. I mean they obviously like each other.

"Sounds good," I said while I grabbed hold of Sam's hand. I give him a small smile and he does the same. I could tell he felt awkward. I mean he barely knew them except Lindsey.

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