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I didn't want to leave them with a broken heart, but... I had no choice that time, my body is starting to change bit by bit. My voice also started changing.

"Hah..." I dishiveled my hair as I look out of the classroom.

"Hey, you good Hana?" my classmate asked me.

"Yes? Ah... I'm alright Sachi." I smiled at her.

"Aren't you going home?" Nishida, one of my classmates also asked me.

"I will go a bit late, I still need to deliver those papers to Mrs. Nakano." I said while pointing the piled papers at the teacher's table.

"Oh... Please take care, Hana okay? Gangs are always alive at night so don't stay her too late okay?" Sachi said while looking at me.

"Hai~ okaa-san~" I teased before standing up and getting the piled papers.

"Gotta send this to Mrs. Nakano, travel safe guys!" I shouted and started running through the empty corridors.

Like they said, a lot of gangs started roaming around this district. And me, as a former gang member, leader or whatever, many people can recognize me.

Even though I changed my hair back to black, my eyes can't be change.

Finally... I reached the teacher's office.

"Hi, ma'am, may I know where's Mrs. Nakano?"

"Ah, Hana-chan~ I'm here!"

"Ah, Mrs. Nakano, here are the papers you asked me to send here." I said.

"Yes. Thank you, you can now go. Stay safe okay?" Mrs. Nakano said before getting the papers out of my hands.

I bow at her before exiting the office.

"Uwah~" I sigh while stretching my arms.

I hurriedly went back to our room and get my things before it went dark outside.

By the time I get out of the school, it's already a bit dark, maybe 5:30pm. I sigh and walk towards the bus stop.

Looking at my flip phone, I noticed a lot of text messages, so as soon as I went inside the bus which stops at my destination, I open the messages. It was Hinata.


[ Hana-chan, they're still
looking for you.
Please be careful.]


[ Hai! Thank you for
informing me always. ]

I sigh. What do they want to do with me? They should be thankful enough that I've already save all of them. What do they need me for? I'm already tired shifting from present to past timelines.


[ Take care Hana-chan. ]


[ You too, Hina-chan. ]

I turned off my phone and stare at nothingness outside the window of the bus.

"Um... Excuse me, can I sit beside you?" a stranger asked.

I look at him and almost fall from the sit when I saw the familiar face of the man.

Isn't he that lazy looking guy that is always with senju? What was his name again?

"Yes sure." I answered with a simple smile and turn my face back at the window.

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