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"Ah... I wonder how are they..." the certain blue eyed female said as she look at a photo.

She touched the frame of the said picture and smile.

"Toman... Nice memories... and also a traumatizing one."

She put the picture back at the box again and hid it underneath her bed.

"It's... Boring here ugh..." she let herself fall to her bed and stare at the room's ceiling.

There's no boring time when he's with the gang before. They are always... either having a gang fight or just hanging out at the Shrine. She can't complain though.

Takemichi then stand up and walk towards the door, leading her outside the house. She look at the sky and smile softly before walking.

"I miss them..."



Mikey opened his eyes because of shock. He is sleeping and currently dreaming of his favorite food. A talking Taiyaki.

He was met by an Angry Emma, looking at him while holding a spatula.

"It's already 8am! Draken's here!" Emma said before huffing and left his room.

Not too long after she left, a tall, muscular man with a blonde hair and dragon tattoo appear at his door.

"Mikey... Let's go, we have a meeting." Draken said while... dragging Mikey out of his bed.

"Ahhh... Huh?" was all Mikey said while being drag by Draken.


"Uh...Hahhhhh..." Mikey yawned while driving the motor Shinichiro gifted him.

"Don't sleep while driving, Mikey!" a shout from Draken made Mikey look at him and smile.

"I won't sle-Ahhhhhahh..."

Draken just look at Mikey who's driving even being sleepy.

'He haven't sleep properly ever since Takemichi disappeared.' Draken thought and sigh.

It's not like he's not worried at him, it's because he can understand what he feels, after all the others also can't sleep properly.

Fortunately, they reach the shrine safe and sound.

"Mikey!! You're late!" a deep raspy voice shouted as soon as they reach the top of the shrine.

It was Baji, with his smirking face, showing his fangs. Pah-chin and Mitsuya sitting at the shrine while looking at him. And Kazutora, who's munching food, not minding Mikey and Draken who just got there.

"What's the meeting all about?" Mikey said while looking at them.

Their once smiling face turned into a serious one. Kazutora stopped eating and look at Draken before speaking.

"It's about Takemichi."

Mikey suddenly went from sleepy to serious and look at them.

"What did you found?" he asked in a serious tone.

'Damn. He's really whipped.' Pah-said as he stare at the serious look of his friend.

Then he stare at the others. 'Well, it's not like they are nothing near Mikey.'

"Wakasa-san may or may not encounter someone who look like him." Baji said while combing his hair with his hand.

"Look like him?"

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