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Four people are waiting patiently at the cafe where Takemichi pointed out yesterday.

"Where's she?" Benkei asked normally, eating the croissant they ordered a while ago.

"Hmm? It's still early, maybe she's doing some course?" Takeomi said drinking some black coffee while reading a magazine.

Chimes rang, indicating that a customer just walked in. They look at the entrance and widened their eyes. It was Takemichi, wearing a black cheongsam dress with a slit from both sides and is hugging her body perfectly, paired with some 3 inches black katerina fashion high heels. Her hair tied in a messy bun with streaks at her forehead.

"Wow, she's pretty."

"Look at her."

"Hey, why are you looking at someone? I'm your girlfriend!"

"She's so ethereal, but isn't she familiar?"

"Hmmm... Now that you said that. She is."

"I wonder who she is."

"Ah! Sorry for being late." she said as soon as she saw the four Black Dragons Founders.

"Wow. You look very beautiful." Shinichiro said while looking at her in awe.

"I just came back from my part time which is, well, modeling. Anyway, what d'ya want?" she said, raising up her hand for a waiter to come near.

"Yes ma'am?" a waitress asked, blushing at the sight of her.

Yes. Yes. She's looking at no one but her.

'She's more beautiful up close!' she thought.

"One cold brew and a slice of chocolate cake please." she said, smiling at the lady.

'Her voice is so cool and melodic too?! How can she be so perfect?!' all of the people inside thought.

"A... Anything else ma'am?" the waitress stutter.

"Nothing more. Thank you."

As soon as the waitress left, she looked at them once again and raise her eyebrow.

"Answer me."

"Why did you suddenly disappeared?" Shinichiro asked, looking straightly at her.

She look at him in pure disbelief.

"Hmmm? Are dumb or just plain stupid. Sano-san, I am a girl, dressed in a male's clothing. Do you think I will take risk on staying knowing that someday, they will know that I hid my gender?" she said thanking the waitress whom came back, holding a tray of her order.

"So why didn't you tell me when we met at the bus?" Wakasa asked lazily while intently looking at her.

She elegantly drink her coffee, eyes darted on the bi colored haired male.

"Just because." she shrug.

This is new. The Takemichi they know before always smile and humble, always takes care of everyones being.

But this Takemichi, doesn't care anymore. And is a very very hot one.

"You've changed..." Shinichiro said making her look at him.

"I did not..." she said and stare look at her side, eyeing a man, dressed in black, sitting four tables away from them.

" You see those men in black four tables away? That's what you call a spy. I need to act though and act like you people are just nothing but mere insects. My enemies in modeling and my agency's enemy are finding hole to drag me and the company down." she said while still drinking the coffee.

"Ah. I thought it was just a stalker who's following you."

"Yeah? They even disguise at school to observe me. Heh. They are being so petty just because I rejected their companies and chose a not so popular one." she said and smirk.

"For years of being a model, I am used on being watched by people with two different thoughts: one that admires me and the latter whom wants to find flaws in me." she looked at them and smile.

"Who knows if there's more? Anyway, I need to go now, I have another sched in 2 hours, talk to you when we meet again, bye guys, a pleasure to meet you once again." with that, the lady left the four grown up men.

"... and I miss you all too." was left unheard.


She dive in the pool while wearing a greek goddess dress and a water proof make up. She's currently shooting an underwater photoshoot for her new endorsement products that the company chose for her.

"Hanako-chan, is the water alright?" her manager asked.

She returned it with a smile and nodded her head.

"Yep. The water is cold that it relaxes my body." she said and play with the water.

"I'm glad. If it's too cold for you, we will ask the other staff to warm them." her manager said with a simple smile.

Cynthia Harake. A half American half Japanese manager of her. She's a former model before retiring due to an accident. She's a nice lady with two cute kids.

"Hehehe... By the way, Cynthia-nee, when I met my former friends, they are a lot of spies again. They really hate me no?" I said and chuckled.

"Hah... Let them be, Hanako-chan. They're just being petty." she said and pat my head.

"I know it of course. Plus, they can't touch my friends, they are, a well known gangsters after all." I giggled.

"Takemichi-chan, we'll start your photoshoot in 5 minutes!"



"Uwahhhhh~ I still feel like floating in water." Takemichi said in a tired tone.

She's walking towards her apartment, wearing a face mask and black cap to hide herself from her fans.

Her walking stopped when she stumbled upon something... or someone?

"Ah!" she shouted out of shock.

"Eh... I'm sorry..." she said meekly.

"Ah, it's fine. It's my fault for not looking." A manly voice said.

She looked up at the person and hiccup.

"T-taiju Shiba?!!!"



Updating coz why not???



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