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A/N: Update ko muna toh (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


After meeting her partner in their designing project, Takemichi decided to take a stroll around the mall, of course with a disguise not until she saw her face on the news with Taiju.

BREAKING NEWS: Miyari Hanako, a famous model is secretly dating?!

[According to the citizens, they saw the two of them got out from her shoot just today. It seems that the man is one of the most richest man in Japan, Taiju Shiba. —]

"Ah... I knew it."

Takemichi is used to this, involving in scandal that she didn't even know, or being drowned with several issues and rumors. Welp, they all died down anyway.

"I should go to Taiju and explain this shit." she said before calling her manager to ask for a ride.

But as soon as she turn around, she was hit by someone, causing her phone and cap to fall.

"Ah! I'm sorry, are you alright?" the one she hit asked while getting her phone from the ground.

'Again?! What's with my luck?!' she shouted in her head.

"Uhm... thank you, Kenny."

Hearing the nickname, Draken stare at her before chuckling.

"It's nice to meet you again, Miss Fashion Model." he said before patting her head.

"Haha... yes fancy meeting you, though... I guess we should run?" she said while looking around the whole mall.

The whole crowd are all looking at her.Takemichi fastly grab his hand and ran all the way to the mall's exit in the most fastest way possible.

"Don't look back, nor stop, Kenny." she said as she keeps on dragging Draken.

Draken find it amusing so he just let the small girl do whatever she wants.

After like 10 minutes of running, Takemichi stopped at a parking lot just a few meters away from the mall.

"Why are you running anyway?" Draken asked as he looked at the tired girl.

"Oh... Haha... Well, I'm a model and... got into an issue again?" she said awkwardly.


"Yup. That I'm in a relationship with someone and many more haha..." she said, scratching her cheeks.

"Takemichi-kun? Why are you here? Aren't you like— avoiding Shibuya?"

Takemichi was stunned after hearing a familiar voice.

'What is she doing here?!'

"Huh? Who are you calling Takemichi, Hinata?" Draken asked confusedly.

"Eh- Uh- hahaha..." Hinata was red in embarrassment as soon as he finally recognized Draken's existence.

Then realization finally reached Draken as he shockingly looked at the girl who's still holding his hands right now.

"You... You're T-takemichi???"

━━━━ ❀

"So that what happened..." Draken said as they sat at the bench at the park where Hinata dropped them off.

"Un... I'm sorry, for hiding I mean." Takemichi said as she look down to her feet.

She's now wearing a face mask and cap again while being covered by Draken's cardigan, that's too big for her, so she can hide from her fans.

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