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2 weeks later...

Mitsuya was busy looking at the magazines for inspiration for his sketches when he stumbled upon a familiar face in the cover of a magazine book.

"Draken?" he whispered as he put the magazine near his face.

It was really Draken, with a girl that he met 4 or 5 months ago.

And the caption of the cover was "Happy Valentine's Day" and "Couple of the Month."

Mitsuya's hand hurriedly reached for his phone as he contact his twin dragon.

"Hello, Mitsuya?" a hoarse voice can be heard from the other side of the phone call.

"Meet me at the Shrine." was all he said before ending the call.


Draken was beyond shocked; that was the first time he heard his friend being so cold and serious, like, Who the fuck hurt you today? '.

"Ken? Is that Kashi?" a voice from behind said.

There he saw a beautiful woman, his woman, wearing an apron and holding a wooden spatula in her right hand.

"Yeah. He wants me to come to the shrine." Draken answered as he wiped his hair out of his face.

"Oh, I want to come with you," she said with a small smile on her lips.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to go hyperventilating again." he said in a worried tone.

"Ken, it's fine. And I already know the reason why he's mad." she said, chuckling.

Draken stood up and kissed her lips before speaking. "Care to tell me?" he asked.

"Hmmmm... maybe he saw that Valentine Photoshoot? You know him; he's probably searching for inspiration in magazines." she laughed.

Draken's eyes widened. Of fucking course he'd be the one to know their relationship! How did he forget it?

"And it's fine, unlike you who caused troubles two times in this timeline. Mitsuya had never been a problem to me. Mostly... the Sanos? Haha, that's why I don't want to see them, or at least, they should be the last ones to know. Though, Shinichiro-san already knew me." she said and pushed Draken to the bathroom door.

"Go get a shower while I prepare our breakfast."

'Our breakfast. Damn. I still can't believe that the person I dreamed about marrying is right in front of me, cooking for us.' Thankfully, Takemichi has already left the bathroom, or else he'll see a blushing mess of Draken.


"Wah, Musashi Shrine, it's been so long since the last time I went here." she whispered as she tightened her grip on Draken's hands.

Draken looked at her and saw the longing and excitement in his eyes. Draken wants to keep her by himself, but he knows that she does not deserve only his love but everyone's. He knows that he needs to share her because it's not only him who loves this reckless crybaby beside her.

"Let's go?" he asked, which she returned with a smile and a nod.

"I just hope it's only Mitsuya, though." He heard her laugh before Takemichi slapped his shoulder. "You know, Kashi, if it involves his best friend, he'll try to keep it a secret from everyone, even his commander," she said with a smile.

They started walking up the stairs, Takemichi holding Draken's hand tightly because of excitement.

"Easy, you'll trip if you walk fast." Draken said, making the girl beside him laugh. "Hai, Hai," she answered.

It didn't take long for them to reach the top of the shrine. There they saw Mitsuya waiting for them with two kids that Takemichi knows very well.

Mana and Luna, Mitsuya's Biological sisters

"Mitsuya, why did you call for me?" Draken asked, making Mitsuya look in his direction.

"Nothing; I just want to confirm something, I guess?" Mitsuya said as he looked at the person beside Draken.

"Hello, Miss Hanako. It's a pleasure to meet a famous model." Mitsuya said as he bowed his head.

That made Takemichi burst out laughing. Her blue eyes glimmer like stars in the midnight sky. Draken just chuckled beaide her.

"Oh Gosh, HAHAHAHA... Ken, this is killing me." She continued, her tears starting to fall from her eyes because of too much laughing.

Mitsuya... was dumbfounded. He doesn't know why, but it feels like the missing piece he's been looking for for years is finally here.

"Okay, hoh, I'm alright now."

The girl, whom Mitsuya called Hanako, walked towards him and gave him a very tight hug, which of course, shocked him.


"It's been a long time, Kashi-kun."


"So you know? For how long?" Mitsuya asked as he looked at Takemichi's figure, who was playing with his two sisters.

"4 and a half months. And we've been dating for 2 weeks." Draken said as he passed a soda drink to Mitsuya.

He opened the can of soda before drinking a few gulps. "Why didn't you tell us?" Mitsuya asked.

"She doesn't want to. She's afraid. I see her some times spacing out. Other times I can't sleep because she keeps having nightmares of the past. It's haunting her." Draken explained as he drank his own soda. "She saved us multiple times. But who will save her?" he added making Mitsuya speechless.

"Hanako-nee! Carry me, please!" they heard the younger of the two siblings say.

"Mana, you're already a big girl. Hanako-nee will get tired carrying you." Luna said as he puffed her cheeks.

"Ahaha... it's fine, Luna; you see, I'm strong!" Takemichi said as she swirled Mana in the air, earning a soft laugh from the child.

The two men were mesmerized by the girl's beauty. Add the fact that she's carrying a child. If they ever have a child with Takemichi, how will she look? Will she look like her?

"Ehem, I'm thinking something I shouldn't have." Mitsuya coughed as he averted his gaze from her.

"Ah, I thought it was only me." Draken chuckled.

"How about the others though." Mitsuya asked as he look at Takemichi's wide smile.

"She'll tell that to them one day. Maybe not now, but when she's ready. Just believe in her." Draken said as the two enjoyed watching Takemichi play with the Mitsuya sisters.

Ah, what a fine day...

05   ::  TWIN DRAGONS  ::
s  c  r  t  v  p l  t  t  r

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