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[ A/N: looks who's finally alive again ]

2 weeks later...

"Oh, Ran-san, Rindou-san, you just got home too?" Takemichi said as she saw the siblings at the front of their apartment.

"Ah, yep." Ran said and smile at the girl.

'This girl is really too cute for my own good.' Ran thought.

"Ah! Wait for me, I have something to give to both of you." Takemichi hurriedly went inside her house and got something from the kitchen before she went back outside.

"Here! The tempura you gave to me last time was delicious so I want to return it by giving this. I baked two cakes for me and my boyfriends but I can't finish the whole hehehe." she fastly said while smiling so awkwardly.

The two siblings were stunned with how fast she spoke but nevertheless accepted the cake.

"Thanks, Hanako-chan." Ran said with a small smile and patted the girl's head.

"I'm taking your time, so see you when I see you, I guess?" Takemichi said and smile before waving a good bye to the siblings.

She once again entered her house with a sigh. She's been very good at hiding his emotion around the people she once knew. But she is getting more afraid after meeting Mitsuya.

What if he tell his commander?

What if his mouth slip?

What if they come back?

What will she do?

"Mich, Mitsuya isn't the type to tell anyone's secret, even if it's Mikey." a sudden memory of her date with Draken came to her mind.

Right, Mitsuya isn't the one to tell her secret to anyone, even if it is his close friends.

"Hmmm... I suddenly want to eat ramen." she thought before texting her boyfriends that she'll be out for a while.


"Hm! Finally I found a ramen restaurant." Takemichi whispered as she looks side by side, checking if there's someone following her.

As soon as she checked that there's none, Takemichi entered the ramen shop. Strong scent of ramen hit her nostrils, making her crave for it more.

"Excuse me, one bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen!" she said as she sat at the table right in front of the chef.

Though, she almost fell off the chair once the two people faced her.

'Smiley and Angry?!' she thought but afterwards calm herself out before texting one of her boyfriends not to fetch her later. It will be risky afterall.

"Tonkatsu Ramen, coming right up." Angry said as he started preparing for her order.

Takemichi remained professional, as if her hands aren't trembling in nervousness right now.

After a few minutes, a hot ramen was served in front of her. "Here's your Tonkatsu Ramen, Miss." Smiley said as he settle the bowl.

"Thank you." she whispered as her eyes were so focus on the food at her front. It reminds her of the time where the twins will cook food for him out of nowhere.

"Ah, I miss this." she whispered and thank for the food before digging in to it.

"Hmm~ so delicious~" she said, not noticing the stare of the pair of twins.

"She look like Take-san..." a bubble gum blue haired male said as he look down on a cute bracelet in his hands.

"Hm~ right, especially her eyes." the peach haired twin agreed, staring at the busy lady.

Once again, the two busied themselves serving the customers who just keep coming by inside their restaurant but still have the time to spare a glance to her.

No matter what they do, their eyes just keep on staring at her, the way she eats and savor the noodles, the way she smiles when she sips the soup. Oh heavens, she's just too beautiful to be ignored.

On the other hand...

Taiju looked at the text that Takemichi had sent to him. He's currently at his casino's office with Draken, who's sitting at one of the couches.

"What did she said?" Draken asked when he heard Taiju saying that Takemichi sent a message.

"She said that we shouldn't fetch her right now. She was at the twin's ramen restaurant."

The two agreed to meet here to talk about something regarding about Takemichi's past, and the reason why she is avoiding meeting them, especially the Sanos.

"Well, first, we should talk about her being a 'time leaper' like she told us before. She said it was Shinichiro who gave her that power." Draken said as he sip at the rum in the glass he's holding.

"The first time leap she did was when her friend, Akkun, pushed her off the train station, right?" Taiju said, earning a nod from Draken.

"She said that the worst future always end up with Mikey being the leader of Bonten." Draken continued, sighing at the process.

"Just how painful it is. For her to die everytime and yet, he still fights to save him... to save us." Draken said as he mess his black unbraided hair.

"Right, just how strong is her will to save us. Damn, I didn't know that I can fall for her even more." Taiju said as he look at the cute picture of a baby Takemichi on his table.

" Taiju said as he look at the cute picture of a baby Takemichi on his table

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[ credits to the owner ]

Draken then sigh before texting someone's number.

"Other than us, there's someone we need help." he said.

Taiju looked at him before asking, "Who?" as he sip on the rum he have.

"Mitsuya, he knows about Takemichi and her time leaping too." he answered. "I told him to come here." he added.

"He isn't pursuing her?" Taiju asked about Mitsuya.

Draken shrug before smiling, "He said that she'll gave her a space first because he know just how terrified she is whenever she meet any of us." he said while shaking the rum slowly. "He also know about Takemichi's sleep walking every night."

Taiju want to smoke, because he needs to release the stress he is feeling right now. No, he isn't stress about Takemichi, but about the things she has been through, being with them. He searched for his pocket but only got a strawberry flavored candy and a note: [ No smoking you big bear (・ω<) ]

"... the hell?"

Draken's laugh echoed at the four side of his room. Ah, Takemichi, you're really really lovable.

06    ::  RAMENS AND PAST  ::
s  c  r  t  v  p l  t  t  r

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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