There is Dust in the Cereal Bowl

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A/N: This one is darker as it contains Child abuse, not detailed but the results of actions taken against minors in an adult's care (IE Bruises) and safety strategies to avoid children getting hurt.

Please look after yourselves!

Hence: :

Important Trigger Warning for Child abuse!!
Furthermore, TW for Mentions of suicidal ideation, mentions of alcoholism and Vomit

Harley remembered it like it had been just last week as he began a vague retelling of the story
"Mom" he heard Abbie from the inside of the house scream in pure horror which instantly made the blood in his veins freeze "MOM. HARLEY." she screamed again and Harley, not even bothering to drop the screwdriver he held, ran inside the house where Abbie just stood, frozen in pure shock.
"Abbie, what happened" he asked, looking around for clues but found nothing but a broken cereal bowl, shattered on the floor milk and cereal mixing with a pile of dust
"Mom just- she- she" Abbie sobbed, voice shaking and breaking between the sobs "She just- disappeared" his little sister sobbed out, snot and tears running down her reddening face
"Alright. Ok. Abbie. I need you to breathe for me please. I need you to stay calm. Can you do that for me" he himself was barely keeping it together, whatever this was- it was not good. People did not just turn to dust on any day-
"But mom-" Abbie sobbed out and Harley shook his head, trying to stay calm himself
"I'll figure that one out. Promise Bee. But right now I need you to stay calm okay, can you do that for me?" he asked softly, looking into her big blue-green eyes, reddened by the tears
"Ok" she whispered tears still rolling down her cheeks but the sobs were further apart
"Good, okay. What we are going to do-" he was raking his brain for something she could do, he knew from experience that he needed to divert her attention, make her feel useful. "Okay, you're going to call Finn's mom, Clara, can you do that?" he asked and she nodded, before slowly turning around and going for the landline.
Harley himself had different plans, running back into his lab, cursing in just about every language he could think of and shouting at God and the world whilst trying to find his phone. The phone which hopefully holds all the answers.
"Tadashi. Activate Stark junior protocol"
"Of course Harley" the AI replied smoothly and his equipment began gleaming blue immediately
"Alright show me- something. What is happening. And call Tony" he instructed whilst data was beginning to display on his screen. Panicked news, people disappearing. A massive energy surge in Wakanda as the dialling sound and thereafter beeping sound drove Harley to the brink of insanity
"Who still leaves messages? How old are you?" the beep followed immediately after
"Hey old man. I got your message about something that might happen. Yea. Fuck. So please, please be alive and give me a fucking call." The message Tony had left him was also displayed in transcript form on the display where he was furiously reading whatever he could.

Hey Kid. Something bad's in the works. Link up with the better version of yourself if I don't make it. You're smart enough to find his number yourself. You know what to do. However hard it might be.

"Alright. Tadashi, do we know what happened in Wakanda, I will just be so free and assume it is what caused - whatever is happening." he leaned over the holo table and began typing away in an attempt to find one 'Peter Parker's' number which was, as Tony had said- far too easy. He stopped himself from finding out more about Parker than the number, all he needed was just that, hopefully with some answers.
"It is unclear. It looks like gamma radiation. With a very strange half life. In that moment enough energy was produced to power earth, all of earth for several millennia" 'wait' Harley thought to himself, distinctly remembering Tony mentioning something about lots of energy and gamma radiation a few years back
"Can you compare the energy and radiation signature with that of the tesseract please. If I am right then there should be at least a partial overlap" Harley pressed his fingers against the table hard enough for it to be painful
"It matches. From what satellites and equipment I can access I would make the guess that it makes up between 15 and 20 percent"
"Right ok. Cool. Call the Parker kid please" he instructed whilst trying to link all the knowledge he held into one pile of understanding. He noticed the continuous beeping at the border of his mind whilst he tried to gain understanding. 15 to 20 percent so there was a chance of five to six energy sources in total similar enough to the tesseract, one of which would have had to be the mind stone- if those two things were similar enough then. God he needed to speak to V he realized, they would probably have answers he desperately needed.
"Peter Parker is not picking up. He seems to not be on earth in addition to that."
"God fuck me damnit" Harley shouted exasperated.

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