Dollar Store Lighters and Spiderwebs

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A/N Y'all I've been nominated for the Parkner awards, I would be eternally grateful if you wanted to vote for this fic. The account is Parkner awards on Tumblr and voting is open until the 26th
In other news, the plot is starting to thicken we're getting close, close to what? I'm not telling yet

"Are you sure you don't want to come to Europe?" Peter asked comfortably curled up in Harley's arms as they watched Brave (Harley's favourite Disney movie, sue him)

"Yea, I have an ass full of work to do, besides you'll only be gone for like a week or summin and then I can properly use my vacation time. That aside, do you think the school would have let me chaperone? They already think we're fucking and that I'm converting you all to gay satanism or something"

It warmed Harley's heart to be able to say that Peter seemed to genuinely get better, even stuck in his grief pendulum it got better. The school year had just ended and whilst Peter was going to Europe Harley was staying behind to work on his project but Peter didn't know that and he preferred it that way. "And if flash gives you any trouble?" whenever Harley was around Flash had actually become quite tolerable, having the odd funny joke even but Harley was not so sure if that would hold up when he was not around. Ever since the entire press thing Flash's behaviour changed towards the better. Not good, nowhere near good. But better.

"I'll ask him if he wants to join the mile high club" Peter replied which made Harley smirk

"Good boy. Now- May is probably annoyed that I have been keeping you." Peter nodded as he got up after the credits had finished playing. Harley kissed the top of his head before sending him on his merry way. Not realizing that he should have gone with him.

He walked to the elevator together with Peter. A strange feeling stirred in his chest that letting Peter go would be a bad idea, that he should come with him and protect him, but he had no reason to think those things he tried to remind himself.

Like it was something they had practiced a million times Peter linked his wrists in Harley's neck whilst Harley rested his hands on Peter's waist. Stormy blue eyes met calm brown and for a second, he could not put his finger on it, he felt like something he had been missing finally locked in place. He was floating in a world that was not quite the same. They stood on a long plane, everything vaguely resembling the compound, how things had looked during his first holiday there, it was doused in orange light but none of those things really resonated with him, he barely noticed them because before him was Peter. And nothing else mattered.

Within the blink of an eye he was back, feeling a new warmth in his heart he did not understand.

"Don't miss me too much" he whispered with a small grin on his lips

"Impossible" Peter grinned back

"Do I need to be worried that you're around two of your exes?" he asked, leaning a bit closer to Peter who went on his tiptoes to get closer to Harley

"Seeing how it's not the ex we've been hooking up with, you tell me" Harley physically jerked back

"I'm doing what with your who now?"

"Johnny Storm" Harley wanted to strangle the bastard.

"Wait! we-?" he asked as the elevator doors already closed.

Pepper had insisted he take the full summer holiday as SI vacation, he had insisted that it was nothing short of excessive, leaving him with two full days and two half days with some out of office work whenever necessary which was a mutually agreeable deal. Considering that he wanted to go about his routine, sleep when the body says, train, work on the project. But even the first day proved more surprising than he had anticipated when he bumped into Stephen with a child. Well- not a child but a teenager.

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